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// TODO: Add the image here.


Tabby is the ultimate tab bar, a full substitution for those UITabBarControllers, UITabBars and UITabBarItems that are not customizable at all. Tabby has animations, behaviors and it has the easiness you would expect from any of our libraries.



Tabby begins with a controller, the called TabbyController. That one has an initializer taking TabbyBarItems. Each item has a controller, an image and an animation that defaults to a constant.

Once you have created the array of items, you can initialize the TabbyController like so:

let items = [
  TabbyBarItem(controller: firstController, image: UIImage(named: "first")),
  TabbyBarItem(controller: secondController, image: UIImage(named: "second"))
let controller = TabbyController(items: items)


As stated before, there are lots of customization points in Tabby, you can find the constants file with fonts, colors and animations.

A part from the typical constants, you'll be able to change the translucency, the indicator or the separator between the tab and the controller, with the possibility to add a shadow if you want.

controller.translucent = true
controller.showSeparator = false
controller.showIndicator = false
controller.barVisible = false

Tabby is built upon behaviors. As soon as we add more customization points within the source code, constants will emerge that will let you control more parts of the insights of Tabby. As for now, the first behavior dictates weather the title should be displayed, displayed only in the selected one, or not displayed at all.

To change that, you just set:

Tabby.Constant.Behavior.labelVisibility = .ActiveVisible


There are lots of default animations that you can use. We'll be adding more and more of those.

The default animations are:

Pop, Flip, Morph, Shake, Swing, PushUp, PushDown, None


As for now, there is one delegate method that informs you which button was just pressed. This will let you rebuild the tab bar, reload it, add different items, etc.

func tabbyButtonDidPress(index: Int)

Be sure to check our demo if you have any further questions! :)


Tabby is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Tabby'

Tabby is also available through Carthage. To install just write into your Cartfile:

github "hyperoslo/Tabby"


Made by Hyper Oslo. Contact us at


We would love you to contribute to Tabby, check the CONTRIBUTING file for more info.


Tabby is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.