title | author | date |
MMGBSA decomposition tutorial. |
Sriram Srinivasa Raghavan |
April 2023 |
This script generates a plot of the per-residue energy decomposition calculated by AMBER's MMPBSA.py tool using MMPBSA_API. MMPBSA.py is a module in the AMBER molecular dynamics simulation software suite used to estimate the free energy of protein-ligand binding. The per-residue energy decomposition breaks down the total binding energy into contributions from each amino acid residue in the protein. The resulting plot provides insight into the key residues involved in the binding interaction..
This tutorial covers how to generate a plot of the per-residue energy decomposition using AMBER's MMPBSA.py tool. MMPBSA.py is a module in the AMBER molecular dynamics simulation software suite used to estimate the free energy of protein-ligand binding. The per-residue energy decomposition breaks down the total binding energy into contributions from each amino acid residue in the protein. The resulting plot provides insight into the key residues involved in the binding interaction.
MMGBSA is calculated using the MMGBSA.py tool available in Amber. This tutorial provides an example of free energy calculation in the general case.
To run the script, you need a prmtop and trajectory file. Here's an example of how to extract frames from a trajectory file:
- Check the number of frames using the following command:
cpptraj -p sanga1_protein.prmtop -y 10_frames.xtc -tl
- Extract the first five frames and output them to a new file:
trajout 5_frames.xtc xtc onlyframes 1,2-5
cpptraj -i traj.in -p sanga1_protein.prmtop -y 10_frames.xtc
#Running MMGBSA calculation
If you need to change the radii sets for various GB models, you can ignore it unless a metal is present in the protein.
parmed -p sanga1_protein.prmtop<<EOF
changeRadii mbondi3
outparm sanga1_protein_mbondi3.prmtop
Simple input for MMGBSA calculation, the script(FreeEnergyPlot.py) was evaluated for the following, idecomp can be any values from 1-4.
Sample input file for GB
igb=5, saltcon=0.150,
idecomp=2, dec_verbose=2,csv_format=1
In case PB also needs to be calculated we can add the following:
Sample input file for GB
igb=5, saltcon=0.150,
idecomp=2, dec_verbose=2,csv_format=1
If normal mode has to be incorpurated it can be done using the following.
Sample input file for GB
igb=5, saltcon=0.150,
idecomp=2, dec_verbose=2,csv_format=1
nmstartframe=1, nmendframe=5,
nminterval=1, nmode_igb=1, nmode_istrng=0.1,
To prepare the parameter files for the MMGBSA calculation, you can use the ante-MMPBSA.py
script. Here's an example command:
ante-MMPBSA.py -p sanga1_protein.prmtop -c sanga1_protein.prmtop -r rec_wild.prmtop -l lig.prmtop --ligand-mask=:304
Here, we have chosen the residue mask :304 for preparing the parameter file for free energy calculation.
You can confirm the residue name and number of the selected residue mask using the following command:
cpptraj -p sanga1_protein.prmtop --resmask :304 | awk 'BEGIN {OFS="-"} {print $2,$1}'
Running the MMGBSA Calculation
Finally, you can run the MMPBSA.py calculation using the parameter files generated above, the trajectory file, and any additional input parameters required by the calculation. Here's an example command:
MMPBSA.py -O -i mmgbsa.in -o FINAL_RESULTS_MMPBSA.dat -do FINAL_DECOMP_MMPBSA.dat -eo energies.csv -deo decompose.csv -cp sanga1_protein.prmtop -rp rec_wild.prmtop -lp lig.prmtop -y 5_frames.xtc
After running the calculation, you can analyze the results. One important result is the per-residue energy decomposition or pair-wise depending on the idecomp value, which can be plotted using the FreeEnergyPlot.py script. Example plots generated by the script are saved in the image folder. Here's an example command to run the script:
python FreeEnergyPlot.py
For Pair-wise decomposition residue numnber also can be given, example:
python FreeEnergyPlot.py -n 25 26 169 215 272 300
If the residue name should also be plotted then the following like command has to be provided, where input prmtop and residue number corresponding to protein and ligand has to be given in amber naming syntax, example:
python FreeEnergyPlot.py -r ":1-304" -p sanga1_protein.prmtop -s 2 -n 25 26 169 215 272 300
python FreeEnergyPlot.py -r ":1-304" -p sanga1_protein.prmtop -n 25 26 169 215 272 300
python FreeEnergyPlot.py -r ":1-304" -p sanga1_protein.prmtop -n 25 26 169 215 272 300 --skip 371
The -s option will shift the residue incase the number are different in pdb and prmtop The '-n' which specify the residue number which has to be printed should be given in last. The '--skip' can be used to skip a paticular residue in case if it is metal which can have energy way beyond the amino acid contribution