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A simple tool for testing JSON/HTTP APIs


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A simple tool for testing JSON/HTTP APIs

Skivvy was developed in order to faciliate automated testing of web-APIs. If you've written an API that consumes or produces JSON, skivvy makes it easy to create test-suites for these APIs. You can think of skivvy as a more simple-minded cousin of cURL - it can't do many of the things cURL can - but the few things it can do it does well.

try it out

running it through docker

This is the simplest and the recommended way to run skivvy.

docker run --rm hyrfilm/skivvy skivvy run --version

See below for a more useful example on how to run it using bind mounts.

installing it manually

  • install through PIP
pip install skivvy
  • download some examples
mkdir skivvy_examples
cd skivvy_examples
curl -OL
tar xf
  • run:
skivvy run cfg/example.json

running skivvy through docker (using bind mounts)

Assuming the current directory would contain your tests and that the root of that directory would contain a configuration file cfg.json you could bind mount that directory and run skivvy like so:

docker run --rm --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target="/app" hyrfilm/skivvy skivvy run cfg.json

what you can do with it

Let's say you've created an API for looking up definition of words. Calling the URL: would result in this being returned:

{"word": "skivvy",
"results": [{
  "definition": "a female domestic servant who does all kinds of menial work",
  "type": "noun",
  "language": "English",
  "dialect": "British"

With skivvy you could easily create a testcase for this in a myraid of ways depending on what you would want to test:

checking the HTTP status-code

{"url": "",
"status": 200}

checking fields

{"url": "",
"response": {
   "results": [{
   "type": "noun",
   "language": "English"

checking the length of the results

{"url": "",
"response": {
  "results": "$len 1"

checking that the response contain some particular data

{"url": "",
"response": "$contains servant who does all kinds of menial work"}


Other things supported:

  • test-suites incl using different environments (like staging / production)
  • custom matcher syntax, for checking things like urls ($valid_url), approximations ($~), date-validation ($date), custom python-expression ($expr) and more
  • ability to create extend the syntax to create own matchers easily
  • all common http-verbs (get, put, post, delete)
  • reading and writing http-headers
  • file uploads
  • dumping output from one testcase into a file and passing in parts of that data to other testcases
  • your own custom matchers
  • ... and more! ;)


NOTE: The easiest way to gain understanding of ways to use skivvy is to simply download the examples and then look at the documentation.

All examples as zip: Or if you prefer to view them on github directly:

CLI flags

As common for most testing frameworks, you can pass a number of flags to filter what files get included in the suite that skivvy runs. -i regexp is used for including files, -e regexpis used for excluding files.

Running skivvy run cfg.json -i file1 -i file2 only includes paths that match either the regexp file1 or file2. skivvy run cfg.json is functionally equivalent of skivvy run cfg.json -i *. In other words, all files that skivvy finds are included.

Running skivvy run cfg.json -e file3 excludes paths that match the file3 regexp.

Stacking multiple flags is allowed: skivvy run cfg.json -i path1.* -i path2.* -e some.*file. The order of filtering is done by first applying the -i filters and then the -e filters.

config settings

a skivvy testfile, can contain the following flags that changes how the tests is performed:

mandatory config settings
  • tests - directory where to look for tests (recursively)
  • ext - file extension to look for (like ".json")
  • base_url - base URL that will be prefixed for all tests
optional config settings
  • log_level - a low value like 10, shows ALL logging, a value like 20 shows only info and more severe
  • colorize - terminal colors for diffs (default is true)
  • fail_fast - aborts the test run immediately when a testcase fails instead of running the whole suite (default is false)
  • matchers - directory where you place your own matchers (eg "./matchers")

mandatory settings for a testcase

  • url - the URL that skivvy should send a HTTP request to
  • base_url - an base url (like "") that will be prefixed for the URL
  • method - what HTTP verb should be used (optional, defaults to GET)

optional settings for testcase

  • brace_expansion - whether brace expansion should used for URLs containing <variable> (these variables can be retrieved from a file in the path, or can be a file created using $write_file)
  • expected_status - the expected HTTP status of the call
  • response - the expected response that should be checked against actual response received from the API
  • data - data should be sent in in POST or PUT request
  • json_encode_body - setting this to false makes skivvy not json encode the body of a PUT or POST and instead sends it as form-data
  • headers - headers to send into the request
  • content_type - defaults to "application/json"
  • headers_to_write - headers that should be retrieved from the HTTP response and dumped a file, for example: "write_headers": {"headers.json": ["Set-Cookie", "Cache-Control"]},
  • headers_to_write - specifies a file containing headers to be sent in the request, for example: "read_headers": "headers.json"
  • match_subsets - (boolean, default is false) - controls whether skivvy will allow to match a subset of a dict found in a list
  • match_falsiness - (boolean, default is false) - controls whether skivvy will consider falsy values (such as null, and empty string, etc) as the same equivalent
  • upload - see below for an example of uploading files
  • auto_coerce - default is true, if the content of a file (read using $read_file or brace expansion) can be interpreted as an integer it will be converted to that.


Parts of a request may need to vary depending on context. Skivvy provides a number of ways to facilitate this:

  • If a response contains a value you want to store, use $write_file
  • If a response contains a value you want to verify matches a value in a stored file, use $read_file
  • If the body of a request should contain one or more values from a stored file, use brace expansion
  • If the parts of the url of a request should contain one or more values from a stored file, use brace expansion
  • If the headers of a response should be saved to a file, use $write_headers
  • If the headers of a request should be read from a file, use $read_headers

brace expansion

  "url": "<some>/<file>", 
  "a": "<foo>", 
  "b": "<bar>"

If you brace_expansion is to true. The value for a will be read from the file foo the value for bwill be read from bar. The first part of the path of the url will be read replaced with the contents of the file some and the second part by the contents of the file file. The file is expected to be in the path, otherwise no brace expansion will occur and the value is set as-is. By default any value that can be interpreted as an integer will be coerced to an int. Disable this by setting auto_coerceto false.

file uploads

POSTs supports both file uploading & sending a post body as JSON. You can't have both (because that would result in conflicting HTTP-headers). Uploads takes precedence, which means that if you have enabled file uploads for a testcase it will happily ignore the POST data you pass in. Enabling a file upload would look like this:

  "url": "", 
  "upload": {"file": "./path/to/some/file"}

When seeing an upload field skivvy like above skivvy will try to open that file and pass it along in the field specified ("file" in the example above). Currently only one upload is supported. The file needs to either be a absolute path or relative to where skivvy is executing. If the file can't be found skivvy will complain and mark the as failed.


Skivvy's matcher-syntax is a simple, extensible notation that allows one greater expressiveness than vanilla-JSON would allow for.

For example, let's say you want to check that the field "email" containing a some characters followed by an @-sign, some more characters followed by a dot and then some more characters (I don't recommend this as a way to check if an email is valid, which is quite hard!). Then you could write:

"email": "$regexp (.+)@(.+)\.(.+)"

The format for all matchers are as following:

$matcher_name expected [parameter1 parameter2... parameterN].

The amount of parameters a particular matcher takes depends on what matcher you are using. Currently these matchers are supported out-of-the-box:

Extending skivvy

Skivvy can be extended with custom matchers, written in python. This allows you to either provide your own matchers if you feel that some are missing. A matcher is just a python-function that you write yourself, you can use all the typical python functions in the standard library like os, urllib etc. A matcher is expected to a boolean and a message, or just a boolean if you're lazy. You're recommended to provide a message in case the matcher returns false which will make skivvy treat that testcase as failed. Tecnically a matcher can do whatever you want (like $write_file, for example) as long as it returns a boolean.

Example: creating a custom matcher

Let's say you want to have a sort of useless matcher that looks for whether the json has a key that contains the word "dude". You would use it like this $dude nickname that would verify that the response would have a key nickname that would contain dude.

  1. in the config create a key like so ./matchers
  2. Create a directory, ./matchers next to the config directory
  3. Create a file like so:
def match(expected, actual):
    expected = str(expected) # would contain "nickname"
    actual = actual # would contain json like {nicknamne: "dude", ...}
    field = actual.get(expected.strip(), {})
    if not field:
      return False, "Missing key: %s" % expected

    return "dude" in field, "Didn't find 'dude' in %s" % expected
  1. Use it in a testcase:
  {"url": "/some/url",
  "method": "get",
  "status": 200,
  "response": "$dude nickname"}

NOTE: If you were to use the matcher on a specific field, actual would refer to that part of the response like this for example: { ... response": {"somekey": "$dude"}} ... then the variable actual would refer to what somekey contains when the matcher would run.

matcher reference


Matches any URL that returns a 200 status. Example:

"some_page": "$valid_url"

would pass if some_page was


Matches a string inside a field, good for finding nested information when you don't care about the structure of what's returned. Example: "foo": "$contains dude!" would for example pass if foo was

{"movies": [{"title": "dude! where's my car?"}]}


Matches the length on JSON-array. Example: "foo": "$len 3" would for example pass if foo was

["a", "b", "c"]


Passes if the length of an JSON-array is longer than a certain amount. Example: "foo": "$len_gt 3" would for example pass if foo was

["a", "b", "c", "d"]


Passes if the length of an JSON-array is shorter than a certain amount. Example: "foo": "$len_gt 3" would for example pass if foo was

["a", "b"]


Matches an approximate value. Example:

"foo": "$~ 100 threshold 0.1"

would match values between 90-110.


Writes the value of a field to a file, which can then be passed to another test. This is useful for scenarios where you want to save a field (like a database id) that should be passed in to a subsequent test. Example:

"foo": "$write_file dude.txt"

Would write the value of foo to the file dude.txt


Reads the value of a file and sets a field to it (most useful in the body of a POST)

"body": {
  "foo": "$read_file dude.txt"

Would read the contents of the file dude.txt and assign it to the field foo.


Matches using a regular expression. Example: "foo": "$regexp [a-z]+" Would require foo to contain at least one occurence of the a or b... to z.


Dynamically evaluates the string as a python statement, on the data received if the statement evaluates to True it passes. (Be careful with this one, don't use it on untrusted data etc :) Example:

"foo": "$expr (int(actual)%3)==0"

Would try to convert the data in the field foo to an integer and see if it was evenly dividable by 3. If so it would pass, otherwise fail.


Note that all matchers (including custom ones) automatically gets a negating matcher. For example, there's a matcher called $contains that checks that the result contains some text string, like so $contains what's up?. This would succeed if the response contained the string "what's up?". The negating matcher would look like this: $!contains what's up? - and will succeed if the response does NOT contain the string "what's up?". It operatates as a NOT expression, in other words. The prefix used is $! is used instead of $. This will work even for custom matchers that you create yourself.