It's a track playback plugin based on leaflet and HTML5 canvas.
To use it,you need provide some GPS data and time data, then you can play the track on the map.
Support track playback, pause, fast forward, fast reverse operation.
- leaflet version: >1.0.0
Using npm:
npm i leaflet
npm i leaflet-plugin-trackplayback
import L from 'leaflet'
import 'leaflet-plugin-trackplayback'
const trackplayback = L.trackplayback(data, map);
// or
const trackplayback = new L.TrackPlayBack(data, map);
Using script tag:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./lib/leaflet/leaflet.css">
<!--Optional (only if you need plaback control)-->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/control.playback.css">
<script src="./lib/leaflet/leaflet.js"></script>
<!--Optional (only if you need plaback control)-->
<script src="../dist/control.trackplayback.js"></script>
<script src="../dist/leaflet.trackplayback.js"></script>
const trackplayback = L.trackplayback(data, map);
// Optional (only if you need plaback control)
const trackplaybackControl = L.trackplaybackcontrol(trackplayback);
can be:
when you want to play back one track
[{lat:30, lng:116, time:1502529980, dir:320, info:[{key: 'name', value: 'ship1'}]}, ....]
when you want to play back more tracks
[[{lat:30, lng:116, time:1502529980, dir:320, info:[]}, ....], [{lat:30, lng:116, time:1502529980, dir:320, info:[]}, ....]]
the trackpoint obj properties:
- lat: Latitude of target
- lng: Longitude of target
- time: unix timestamp
- dir(Optional): Moving direction(0-360 degrees, Clockwise direction), if you don't provide it, the program can auto caculate the target direction
- info(Optional): other static information of the target, it's an array of key-value pairs
is the L.map instance.
can be:
const Options = {
// the play options
clockOptions: {
// the default speed
// caculate method: fpstime * Math.pow(2, speed - 1)
// fpstime is the two frame time difference
speed: 13,
// the max speed
maxSpeed: 65
// trackPoint options
trackPointOptions: {
// whether draw track point
isDraw: false,
// whether use canvas to draw it, if false, use leaflet api `L.circleMarker`
useCanvas: true,
stroke: false,
color: '#ef0300',
fill: true,
fillColor: '#ef0300',
opacity: 0.3,
radius: 4
// trackLine options
trackLineOptions: {
// whether draw track line
isDraw: false,
stroke: true,
color: '#1C54E2',
weight: 2,
fill: false,
fillColor: '#000',
opacity: 0.3
// target options
targetOptions: {
// whether use image to display target, if false, the program provide a default
useImg: false,
// if useImg is true, provide the imgUrl
imgUrl: '../../static/images/ship.png',
// the width of target, unit: px
width: 8,
// the height of target, unit: px
height: 18,
// the stroke color of target, effective when useImg set false
color: '#00f',
// the fill color of target, effective when useImg set false
fillColor: '#9FD12D'
// trigger on time change
trackplayback.on('tick', e => {
}, this)
start play, return this
stop play, return this
replay, return this
slow play speed, return this
quick play speed, return this
get play speed, return speed value
get current time, return unix timestamp
get start time, return unix timestamp
get end time, return unix timestamp
whether in playing, return true or false
set current playing time, need a unix timestamp param, return this
set the playback speed, return this
draw track point, return this
remove track point, return this
draw track line, return this
remove track line, return this
destory the trackplayback instance, when call this, the trackplayback instance can't be used again and the program will clear track layer.
I collected the frame rate for a while.
If you have good suggestions or comments,welcome to ask questions.