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SORMAS 1.48.0

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@sormas-jenkins sormas-jenkins released this 09 Sep 14:19
· 15784 commits to master since this release

IMPORTANT: Please execute the following SQL directly in your database BEFORE updating to this version:

ALTER TABLE campaignformmeta ADD COLUMN campaignformtranslations json;

It's fine if this command fails. In that case, you can ignore it and do the update.

IMPORTANT 2: We will drop the support for PostgreSQL versions below 9.6 soon. Please make sure that your server is at least running on PostgreSQL 9.6 (ideally on PostgreSQL 10) or update it if that is not the case yet.

New Features

  • [Web] Added a new functionality to share ownership of cases with other SORMAS systems (#2628 & #2629)
  • [Web] Added export functionality to campaign form data (#1998)
  • [Web] Added a list of addresses to persons that can be used to document multiple addresses with specific address types (#2562)
  • Added Afghanistan English language (#2604)


  • [App] Renamed "Facility type group" to "Facility category" in the case data form (#2765)
  • [Web] For custom-branded servers, the sidebar can now be disabled and the background can be changed in the properties (#2792)
  • [Web] Added "Apply filters" buttons to all directories and dashboards that need to be clicked for the filters to be applied to the data (#2542)
  • [Web] Added the number of displayed event participants to the list of event participants inside an event (#2728)
  • Added new fields to cases and contacts to document the date when a written quarantine order was sent for Swiss and German systems (#2847)
  • [Web] Changing the follow-up date now triggers a pop-up window that asks to change the quarantine end date (#2233)
  • [Web] Added filters to the event participants list (#2701)
  • Added a field to document whether a case/contact has the SwissCOVID app for Swiss systems (#2725)
  • [Web] Added follow-up visit information to detailed case export (#2653)
  • [Web] When creating a follow-up visit for a case, the case symptoms are now automatically updated based on the symptoms entered (#2651)
  • [Web] Follow-up visits are now properly merged when merging cases for retrospective duplicate detection (#2652)


  • [Web] The follow-up period of cases is now calculated based on the report date only (#2678)
  • [Web] Moved case follow-up information above the paper form reception dates (#2678)
  • [Web] Case symptoms are now collected based on all visits so far when converting a contact to a case (#2738)
  • [Web] Split the name column into separate first and last name columns in the event participants list (#2701)
  • [Web] It is now possible to change the date of birth and sex when converting contacts/event participants to cases if these details haven't been filled in for the person yet (#2703)
  • Split the general address field of locations into street, house number and additional information (#2562)
  • [Web] Visits on the follow-up visit overviews are now colorized based on the latest visit on the respective day (#2682)


  • [Web] Fixed date validation failing when creating a visit for a contact with a date earlier than the report date (#2797)
  • [Web] Fixed an error when saving edited case information while place of stay is set to Home (#2813)
  • [Web] Fixed place of stay being empty when entering a case without the rights to see personal data (#2830)
  • [App] Made new facility type fields read-only and pre-filled for hospital informants (#2834)
  • [Web] Fixed some problems with event participants associated with the new pseudonymization mechanics (#2789)
  • [App] Fixed popup window not being closed after creating a new burial, gathering, travel or previous hospitalization (#2774)
  • [Web] Fixed case import failing when trying to import a case assigned to OTHER_FACILITY (#2818)
  • [App] Fixed disease names being missing on the task list (#2806)
  • [Web] Fixed errors when trying to enter a case with read-only access (#2803)
  • [Web] Fixed tasks and samples being displayed multiple times for cases and event participants (#2635)
  • [Web] Fixed investigation status filters not working in the case follow-up overview (#2678)


  • Added a method to get all follow-up end dates to the ExternalVisitResource (#2732)
  • SORMAS can now receive and store information about the symptom diary status of a contact person (#1970)
  • The quarantineEndDates ReST endpoint now only returns values for confirmed symptom diary users (#2731)


  • Added 2-factor authentication with Keycloak (#2745)