Helm is a free, cross-platform, polyphonic synthesizer that runs on GNU/Linux, Mac, and Windows as a standalone program and as a LV2/VST/AU/AAX plugin. Release is in beta so there are outstanding bugs. Please send any bugs found to matthewtytel@gmail.com
Go to tytel.org/helm for builds. If you're on Ubuntu you can download it through the command line:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:tytel/helm
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install helm
If you want to build VST/AAX plugins You'll need their SDKs located in ~/srcs
For AU on the Mac you'll want to put the CoreAudio SDK in /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Extras/CoreAudio
Nothing extra is needed for building LV2 plugins
The standalone executable is located in standalone/builds/linux/build
The LV2 plugin is located in builds/linux/LV2
To build a GNU/Linux VST plugin:
make vst
The VST plugin is located in builds/linux/VST as an .so file.
Open /standalone/builds/osx/Helm.xcodeproj for standalone version
Open /builds/osx/HelmPlugin.xcodeproj for plugin versions
Open /standalone/builds/vs12/Helm.sln for standalone version
Open /builds/vs12/HelmPlugin.sln for plugin versions
- 32 voice polyphony
- Interactive visual interface
- Powerful modulation system with live visual feedback
- Dual oscillators with cross modulation and up to 15 oscillators each
- Unison and Harmony mode for oscillators
- Oscillator feedback and saturation for waveshaping
- 12 different waveforms
- 7 filter types with keytracking
- 2 monophonic and 1 polyphonic LFO
- Step sequencer
- Lots of modulation sources including polyphonic aftertouch
- Simple arpeggiator
- Effects: Formant filter, stutter, delay
- Still more...