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A more general Agent-based modeling framework is now available at abmax. Please consider using that. All further developments will occur there.

Foragax is an Agent-Based Modelling (ABM) package based on JAX. It provides scalable and efficient ABM simulations by leveraging JAX's automatic vectorization and just-in-time compilation capabilities. The main features of Foragax include:

  • Agent manipulation (adding, removing, updating, selecting, and sorting agents) with just-in-time compilation.
  • Vectorized ray-casting and wall-detection for simulating agents moving in a continuous 2D environment with custom boundaries and obstacles.
  • Tutorials and examples to help users get started with ABM using JAX.
  • Familiar ABM interface for creating and manipulating agents.


pip install foragax

Requires Python 3.10+, JAX 0.4.13+, and flax 0.7.4+

Hello World : Rolling Dice

This is an example of agents that roll a dice. For each agent that draws a 6, a new agent is activated. Each agent that draws a 1 is deactivated. The note-book implementing this can be found here.

import foragax.base.agent_classes as fgx_classes
import foragax.base.agent_methods as fgx_methods
import jax
import jax.numpy as jnp
from flax import struct

class Dice(fgx_classes.Agent):
    def create_agent(params: fgx_classes.Params, unique_id: int, active_state: int, agent_type: int, key:jax.random.PRNGKey):
        key, subkey = jax.random.split(key)
        def create_active_agent(key):
            draw = jax.random.randint(key, (1,), 1, 7)
            state_content = {'draw': draw, 'key': key}
            return fgx_classes.State(content=state_content)
        def create_inactive_agent(key):
            state_content = {'draw': jnp.array([0]), 'key': key}
            return fgx_classes.State(content=state_content)
        agent_state = jax.lax.cond(active_state, lambda _: create_active_agent(subkey), lambda _: create_inactive_agent(subkey), None)
        return Dice(params = params, unique_id = unique_id, agent_type = agent_type, 
                    active_state = active_state, state = agent_state, policy = None, age = 0.0)
    def step_agent(params: fgx_classes.Params, input: fgx_classes.Signal, dice_agent: fgx_classes.Agent):
        def step_active_agent(dice_agent):
            old_state = dice_agent.state.content
            key, subkey = jax.random.split(old_state['key'])
            draw = jax.random.randint(subkey, (1,), 1, 7)
            state_content = {'draw': draw, 'key': subkey}
            new_state = fgx_classes.State(content = state_content)
            return dice_agent.replace(state = new_state, age = dice_agent.age + 1.0)
        def step_inactive_agent(dice_agent):
            return dice_agent
        new_dice_agent = jax.lax.cond(dice_agent.active_state, lambda _: step_active_agent(dice_agent), lambda _: step_inactive_agent(dice_agent), None)
        return new_dice_agent
    def add_agent(params: fgx_classes.Params, dice_agents: fgx_classes.Agent, idx, key: jax.random.PRNGKey):
        inactive_dice_agent = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x:x[idx], dice_agents)
        useless_key, subkey = jax.random.split(inactive_dice_agent.state.content['key'])
        draw = jax.random.randint(subkey, (1,), 1, 7)
        state_content = {'draw': draw, 'key': subkey}
        new_state = fgx_classes.State(content=state_content)
        active_dice_agent = inactive_dice_agent.replace(active_state = True, state = new_state)
        return active_dice_agent, key
    def remove_agent(params: fgx_classes.Params, dice_agents:fgx_classes.Agent, idx):
        active_dice_agent = jax.tree_util.tree_map(lambda x:x[idx], dice_agents)
        draw = jnp.array([0])
        state_content = {'draw': draw, 'key': active_dice_agent.state.content['key']}
        state = fgx_classes.State(content=state_content)
        inactive_dice_agent = active_dice_agent.replace(active_state = False, state = state)
        return inactive_dice_agent

Dice_set = fgx_classes.Agent_Set(agent = Dice, num_total_agents = 10, num_active_agents = 5, agent_type = 0)

Dice_set.agents = fgx_methods.create_agents(params = None, agent_set = Dice_set, key = jax.random.PRNGKey(0))

Dice_set.agents = fgx_methods.step_agents(params = None, agent_set = Dice_set, input=None)

# remove all agents who have drawn a 1
# first, select all agents who have drawn a 1
def is_one(dice_agent: fgx_classes.Agent, select_params: fgx_classes.Params):
    draw = jnp.reshape(dice_agent.state.content['draw'], (-1))
    return draw == 1
num_agents_dead, remove_indices = fgx_methods.jit_select_agents(select_func = is_one, select_params = None, agents = Dice_set.agents)

# now, remove the agents
dice_remove_params_content = {'remove_ids': remove_indices}
dice_remove_params = fgx_classes.Params(content = dice_remove_params_content)
Dice_set.agents = fgx_methods.jit_remove_agents(remove_func = Dice.remove_agent, num_agents_remove = num_agents_dead, 
                                                remove_params = dice_remove_params, agents = Dice_set.agents)

# sort agents by active state, as new agents are ALWAYS added at the END of the set
Dice_set.agents, sorted_indices = fgx_methods.jit_sort_agents(quantity = Dice_set.agents.active_state, ascend = False, agents = Dice_set.agents)

# add a new agent for every agent that has drawn a 6
# first, select all agents who have drawn a 6
def is_six(dice_agent: fgx_classes.Agent, select_params: fgx_classes.Params):
    draw = jnp.reshape(dice_agent.state.content['draw'], (-1))
    return draw == 6
num_agents_add, add_indices = fgx_methods.jit_select_agents(select_func = is_six, select_params = None, agents = Dice_set.agents)

# clip the number of agents to add to the number of inactive agents
num_active_agents = jnp.sum(Dice_set.agents.active_state, dtype = jnp.int32)
num_agents_add = jnp.minimum(num_agents_add, Dice_set.num_total_agents - num_active_agents)

# now, add the agents
Dice_set.agents, key = fgx_methods.jit_add_agents(add_func = Dice.add_agent, num_agents_add = num_agents_add, 
                                                  add_params = None, agents = Dice_set.agents, key = None)

Version v0.0.5

The framework is still under active development. Feel free to open an issue if you find any bugs or have any suggestions.


If this framework was useful in your work, please consider starring and cite: (arXiv link)

      title={Foragax: An Agent Based Modelling framework based on JAX}, 
      author={Siddharth Chaturvedi and Ahmed El-Gazzar and Marcel van Gerven},