Netdata charts for Gridcoin
Install 'jq'
- This has only been tested on Ubuntu
- This script assumes you've setup your fullnode using the autonode script, and have created the 'grc' alias for running the Gridcoin client under the 'gridcoin' user.
- You need to install Netdata (remember the pre-req section too).
- Once netdata has been installed, place the script somewhere memorable and run it using the command "source ./ >/dev/null 2>&1 < /dev/null &"
- Place the '' script into the "/usr/libexec/netdata/charts.d/" folder, and provide it full executable permissions "chmod +x"
- Edit the file "/etc/netdata/charts.d.conf" and set both 'enable_all_charts="yes"' and 'gridcoin="yes"'
- Execute "killall netdata" then "netdata"
- Navigate to IP:19999 and your Gridcoin charts should be shown!
Please do raise a GitHub issue, bonus points for pull requests!