gcc 4.4.7 or 4.8.5
CUDA 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5 (tested and works)
GPU: C2050, C2070, K20, K40 (tested)
Type: "./enterprise.bin" it will show you what is needed.
Tips: It needs a CSR formated graph (beg file and csr file).
You could use the code from "tuple_text_to_bin.binary_csr" folder to convert a edge list (text formated) graph into CSR files (binary), e.g., if you have a text file called "test.txt", it will convert it into "test.txt_beg_pos.bin" and "test.txt_csr.bin". You will need these two files to run enterprise.
- Compile: make
- To execute: type "./text_to_bin.bin", it will show you what is needed
- Basically, you could download a tuple list file from snap. Afterwards, you could use this converter to convert the edge list into CSR format.
For example:
- Download https://snap.stanford.edu/data/com-Orkut.html file. unzip it.
- ./text_to_bin.bin soc-orkut.mtx 1 2(could change, depends on the number of lines are not edges)
- You will get soc-orkut.mtx_beg_pos.bin and soc-orkut.mtx_csr.bin.
- You could use these two files to run enterprise.
The overall code structure of this project is:
main.cu: main function.
graph.hpp,graph.h: read the csr format graph file.
allocator.cuh: alloc GPU memory and copy the graph from CPU to GPU.
bfs_gpu_opt.cuh: run enterprise BFS.
expander.cuh: explore the neighbors of each frontier and mark next level frontiers in status array, leverages hub vertex cache and workload balancing as well.
inspector.cuh: scan status array to generate frontier queue, also prepare next level hub vertex for caching.
scan.cuh: compute offsets of different thread bins in order to put them in global frontier queue in parallel.
write_result.cuh: write result out for validation.
validate.h: graph500 alike validate process.
wtime.h: timing.
comm.h: common headers or preprocessors shared by all files.
gather.h: copy results from GPU to CPU.
Should you have any questions about this project, please contact us by iheartgraph@gmail.com.
[SC '15] Enterprise: Breadth-First Graph Traversal on GPUs [PDF] [Slides] [Blog]
[SIGMOD '16] iBFS: Concurrent Breadth-First Search on GPUs [PDF] [Slides] [Poster]