2017-07-07 Andre Sailer (PR#11)
- DDCaloDigi: add cleanup of PpdDigi objects, fixes small memory leak
2017-09-26 Andre Sailer (PR#12)
DDTrackCreator: implement passing of multiple track states to Pandora, needs PandoraPFA/LCContent#16
Implemented DDTrackCreatorBase::GetTrackStatesAtCalo to obtain second trackstate in the endcap
Added GetTrackStatesAtCalo and related code in DDTrackCreatorCLIC and DDTrackCreatorILD
- added TrackStateTolerance variable to tweak the radius until trackStates in the ECal endcap are accepted, by default only trackStates with a radius larger than EcalBarrel Inner radius are accepted
- added TrackSystemName parameter to chose trackSystem (DDKalTest) to use for trackState calculation
2017-10-06 Frank Gaede (PR#14)
- rm unused and deprecated DDRec/API/Calorimeter.h
- (see AIDASoft/DD4hep#241)
- rm unused and deprecated DDRec/API/Calorimeter.h