TweetMapViewer is a simple Dashboard like web application that tracks and represents geo-tagged tweets on a map in real time. This is a node.js application that uses twitter public stream api with a filter criteria(In my case the New york state). Those are the frameworks & technologies used to develop this application:
- Node.js.
- Express framework to create & configure the web server.
- nTwitter to access the Twitter stream API.
- ejs as a templating engine.
- for the pushing mechanism.
- Twitter Bootstrap.
- JQuery.
- Google map api v3.
- HTML5.
- CSS.
A demo of the application is accessible via this link :
If you like to run the app on your machine you have to go through some configuration steps:
- Checkout the project:
git clone
Go to and register an application. A set of keys will be created for you so you can use them in the next step.
In app.js fill in:
- The Consumer key.
- The Consumer secret.
- The Access token.
- The Access token secret.
var twit = new twitter({
consumer_key: 'CONSUMER_KEY_HERE',
consumer_secret: 'CONSUMER_SECRET_HERE',
access_token_key: 'ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY_HERE',
access_token_secret: 'ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET_HERE'
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Run the application:
node app.js