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MSP Navigation Messages

Jonathan Hudson edited this page Jun 12, 2023 · 84 revisions

MSP NAV Protocol and Types

This document describes MSP navigation messages, their usage and implementation details. Both INAV and Multiwii implementations (which are largely the same) are documented in this article.

Note that all binary values are little endian (MSP standard).

Implementation and versions

This document should match the INAV 1.2 (and later) and Multiwii 2.5 flight controller firmware.

Prior to INAV 3.0, the inav-configurator supported a subset of MSP Waypoint (WP) types; for INAV 3.0 it supports all WP types. In addition to the inav configurator, the messages described are implemented in mwp (Linux / FreeBSD / Windows (Cygwin,WSL)), ezgui (Android) mission planners / ground station applications and "drone helper" (Windows 10) mission planner. mwp and ezgui support both INAV and Multiwii; WinGui is a legacy Windows / Multiwii only mission planner that also supports this message set.

WayPoint and Action Attributes

Each waypoint has a type and takes a number of parameters, as below. These are used in the MSP_WP message. The final column indicated if the message is implemented for INAV 1.2 (and later).

Value Enum P1 P2 P3 Lat Lon Alt INAV
1 WAYPOINT Speed (cm/s) [1] (exception [6]) Altitude Mode & Actions [7]
3 POSHOLD_TIME Wait time (seconds) (speed (cm/s)[1]) Altitude Mode & Actions [7] ✔ 2.5 and later
4 RTH [4] Land if non-zero ✔ [2]
5 SET_POI [3] ✔ 2.6 and later
6 JUMP Target WP# No. of repeats (-1 = forever) ✔ 2.5 and later
7 SET_HEAD [3] Heading (degrees) ✔ 2.6 and later
8 LAND Speed (cm/s) [1] Elevation Adjustment (m) [8] Altitude Mode & Actions [7] ✔ 2.5 and later
  1. Leg speed is an INAV extension (for multi-rotors only). It is the speed on the leg terminated by the WP (so the speed for WP2 is used for the leg WP1 -> WP2) (cm/s).
  2. Not used by INAV
  3. Once SET_HEAD or SET_POI is invoked, it remains active until cleared by SET_HEAD with a P1 value of -1.
  4. If a mission contains multiple RTH stanzas, then for Multiwii, the mission terminates at the first RTH. For INAV, prior to c. 2.6, the mission would continue if RTH-LAND is not set, and valid waypoints follow.
  5. If the final entry in a mission is a WAYPOINT, the INAV treats it as POSHOLD_UNLIM.
  6. For INAV's "follow-me" mode (WP#255, POSHOLD engaged), P1 may be used to send an orientation heading (0-359 degrees).
  7. INAV 3.0 and later, P3 defines the altitude mode. 0 (default, legacy) = Relative to Home, 1 = Absolute (AMSL). Ignored for releases prior to 3.0. INAV 6.0 and later additionally define user "Actions" which may be invoked using the logic programming framework.
  8. INAV 3.0 and later, P2 defines the ground elevation (in metres) for the LAND WP. If the altitude mode is absolute, this is also absolute; for relative altitude, then it is the difference between the assumed home location and the LAND WP. Ignored for releases prior to 3.0.

P3 bitfield usage

Since INAV 6.0, the usage of the P3 parameter is:

Bit Usage
0 Relative (not set) or absolute (AMSL) (set) altitude reference
1 User Action 1
2 User Action 2
3 User Action 3
4 User Action 4
5-15 Reserved

Geospatial Units

Field XML Mission File MSP_WP binary message
Latitude, Longitude Decimal degrees, WGS84 Integer, WGS84 Degrees * 1E7
Altitude Integer Metres Centimetres

Note that INAV uses the GPS' "above mean sea level" (not "above WGS84 ellipsoid") elevation for navigation. Be aware of this distinction when using absolute rather than relative (to home) mission altitudes.

FlyBy Home Waypoints

From INAV 4.0, "FlyBy Home" (FBH) waypoints are supported for WAYPOINT, POSHOLD_TIME and LAND. These WPs are designated by either (or both) of

  • The latitude and longitude is zero; or
  • The flag field is set to 0x48 (72d, 'H')

FBH waypoints have no defined location until the mission is executed, when they assume the location of the arming home location (not affected by safehome). This is ephemeral and is reset on each arming. The location uploaded to the FC is irrelevant where flag == 0x48; in such cases a subsequent download from the FC will return the original WP latitude and longitude, not the home used for a particular instance.

Annotated Example

The following example, using the MW XML (INAV configurator, mwp, ez-gui) format, illustrates the WAYPOINT, JUMP, POSHOLD_TIME and LAND types: Complex Mission

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <missionitem no="1" action="WAYPOINT" lat="54.353319318038153" lon="-4.5179273723848077" alt="35" parameter1="0" parameter2="0" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="2" action="WAYPOINT" lat="54.353572350395972" lon="-4.5193913118652516" alt="35" parameter1="0" parameter2="0" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="3" action="WAYPOINT" lat="54.354454163955907" lon="-4.5196617811150759" alt="50" parameter1="0" parameter2="0" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="4" action="WAYPOINT" lat="54.354657830207479" lon="-4.5186895986330455" alt="50" parameter1="0" parameter2="0" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="5" action="JUMP" lat="0" lon="0" alt="0" parameter1="2" parameter2="2" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="6" action="WAYPOINT" lat="54.354668848061756" lon="-4.5176009696657218" alt="35" parameter1="0" parameter2="0" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="7" action="WAYPOINT" lat="54.354122567317191" lon="-4.5172673708680122" alt="35" parameter1="0" parameter2="0" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="8" action="JUMP" lat="0" lon="0" alt="0" parameter1="1" parameter2="1" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="9" action="POSHOLD_TIME" lat="54.353138333126651" lon="-4.5190405596657968" alt="35" parameter1="45" parameter2="0" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="10" action="WAYPOINT" lat="54.354847022143616" lon="-4.518210497615712" alt="35" parameter1="0" parameter2="0" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="11" action="LAND" lat="54.354052100964488" lon="-4.5178091504726012" alt="60" parameter1="0" parameter2="0" parameter3="0"></missionitem>

Mission points 5 and 8 are JUMP; they have no location as they affect the current location (the previous WP) and cause an action.

  • After WP 4 (JUMP at 5), the vehicle will proceed to WP 2 (parameter1 = 2); it will do this twice (parameter2 = 2). Then it will proceed to WP 6.
  • After WP 7 (JUMP at 8), the vehicle will proceed to WP 1 (parameter1 = 1); it will do this once (parameter2 = 1). Then it will proceed to WP 9.
  • The second JUMP (8) will cause the first jump (5) to be re-executed.

Mission point 9 is POSHOLD_TIME. The vehicle will loiter for 45 seconds (parameter1 = 45) at the WP9 location. A multi-rotor will hold a steady position, fixed wing will fly in a circle as defined by the CLI parameter nav_fw_loiter_radius.

Mission point 11 is LAND. The vehicle will land (unconditionally, regardless of nav_rth_allow_landing) at the given location. The CLI setting nav_disarm_on_landing is honoured.

There is a video animation of the flight in a short youtube video and a more detailed youtube video tutorial. The mission is executed as:

WP / next wp Course Dist Total
WP01 - WP02 287° 99m 99m
WP02 - WP03 350° 100m 198m
WP03 - WP04 070° 67m 265m
WP04 (J05) WP02 201° 129m 394m
WP02 - WP03 350° 100m 494m
WP03 - WP04 070° 67m 561m
WP04 (J05) WP02 201° 129m 690m
WP02 - WP03 350° 100m 789m
WP03 - WP04 070° 67m 856m
WP04 - WP06 089° 71m 927m
WP06 - WP07 160° 64m 991m
WP07 (J08) WP01 206° 99m 1090m
WP01 - WP02 287° 99m 1189m
WP02 - WP03 350° 100m 1288m
WP03 - WP04 070° 67m 1355m
WP04 (J05) WP02 201° 129m 1484m
WP02 - WP03 350° 100m 1584m
WP03 - WP04 070° 67m 1651m
WP04 (J05) WP02 201° 129m 1779m
WP02 - WP03 350° 100m 1879m
WP03 - WP04 070° 67m 1946m
WP04 - WP06 089° 71m 2016m
WP06 - WP07 160° 64m 2081m
WP07 - PH09 226° 159m 2239m
PH09 - WP10 016° 197m 2437m
WP10 - WP11 164° 92m 2529m

Modifier actions

A number of the WP types (JUMP, SET_POI, SET_HEAD, RTH) act as modifiers to the current location (i.e. the previous WP), as follows:


JUMP facilitates adding loop to mission, the first parameter is the WP to jump to, and the second parameter is the number of times the JUMP is executed. A parameter2 value of -1 means JUMP indefinitely (i.e. the pilot must eventually manually abort the mission and take control). For Multiwii, the jump target (parameter 1) must be prior to the jump WP, for INAV, forward and backward jumps are permitted. In general, forward jumps are less useful and will usually need a backward jump to be useful.

INAV validates JUMP WPs prior to arming; the following conditions will cause a "Navigation Unsafe" arming blocker.

  • First item can't be JUMP (can't calculate 1st WP distance, impossible for backward jumps)
  • Can't jump to immediately adjacent WPs (pointless)
  • Can't jump beyond WP list (undefined behaviour)
  • Can only jump to geo-referenced WPs (WAYPOINT, POSHOLD_TIME, LAND) (otherwise, undefined behaviour)

In the following example of a forward jump, WP #5 (POSHOLD_TIME) is visited exactly once. Jump Forward

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <missionitem no="1" action="WAYPOINT" lat="54.353504451478102" lon="-4.5171693008103739" alt="50" parameter1="0" parameter2="0" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="2" action="WAYPOINT" lat="54.353290963012334" lon="-4.5186271961455091" alt="50" parameter1="0" parameter2="0" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="3" action="WAYPOINT" lat="54.354462866400432" lon="-4.519133424449862" alt="50" parameter1="0" parameter2="0" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="4" action="JUMP" lat="0" lon="0" alt="0" parameter1="6" parameter2="2" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="5" action="POSHOLD_TIME" lat="54.35511281066394" lon="-4.5180071708842604" alt="50" parameter1="30" parameter2="0" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="6" action="WAYPOINT" lat="54.354418702382176" lon="-4.5170547858197763" alt="50" parameter1="0" parameter2="0" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="7" action="JUMP" lat="0" lon="0" alt="0" parameter1="1" parameter2="3" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="8" action="WAYPOINT" lat="54.353913541022997" lon="-4.5182771029460111" alt="50" parameter1="0" parameter2="0" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
  <missionitem no="9" action="RTH" lat="0" lon="0" alt="0" parameter1="0" parameter2="0" parameter3="0"></missionitem>


The craft returns to the home location.

SET POI (Multirotor only, Multiwii, INAV 2.6 and later)

The SET_POI defines a location for a point of interest (POI). The craft will fly the mission (until a SET_HEAD) with the nose pointing at the POI, which might be useful for aerial photography. Note that the craft does NOT fly to the POI.

In the following image:

  • WP2 and WP11 are coincident.
  • WP3 (yellow icon) defines the POI
  • WP12 (SET_HEAD -1) cancels the POI

So the craft will fly normally from WP1 to WP2. The craft will then fly WP2 - WP11 with the "nose in" towards the POI (WP3).

After WP11, the craft flies normally, "nose first".


Youtube video tutorial on SET_POI and SET_HEAD

SET_HEAD (Multirotor only, Multiwii, INAV 2.6 and later)

The SET_HEAD type sets the craft's heading (where it 'looks', not the direction of travel). This may be useful for useful for aerial photography. A value of -1 causing the heading to be 'straight ahead', i.e. the direction of travel. Thus, SET_HEAD -1 may used to cancel a previous valid SET_HEAD or SET_POI. A SET_HEAD remains in force until cancelled by SET_HEAD with p1 of -1, or modified by a subsequent SET_HEAD or SET_POI.

In the following example (note that WP8 - WP9 is orientated 120°- 300°):

The craft flies normally (nose first) to WP1.

The craft flies WP1 - WP3 with the nose pointing 120° (i.e. at c. 90° relative to the track)

The craft flies WP3 - WP5 - WP6 with the nose pointing 300° (i.e. at c. 90° / 270° relative to the track).

The craft then files normally (nose first) WP6 - WP8 - WP9 (where it lands). The SET_HEAD with P1 -1 at WP7 cancels the preceding SET_HEAD.

SET_HEAD image


For safety, if no mission is defined, a single RTH action should be sent.

Enum P1 P2 P3 Lat Lon Alt Flag
RTH 0 0 0 0 0 25m [1] 0xa5
  1. your choice, really.

In general, flag is 0, unless it's the last point in a mission, in which case it is set to 0xa5 (165) (or 0x48 (72) for FBH WP). When waypoints are uploaded, the same data can also be requested from he FC, thus enabling the application to verify that the mission has been uploaded correctly.

Messages (Navigation related)

MNEMONIC Value Direction (relative to FC)
MSP_WP 118 Out
MSP_SET_WP 209 In (& out)


Special waypoints are 0, 254, and 255. #0 returns the RTH (Home) position, #254 returns the current desired position (e.g. target waypoint), #255 returns the current position.

Name Type Usage
wp_no uchar way point number
action uchar action (wp type / action)
lat int32 decimal degrees latitude * 10,000,000
lon int32 decimal degrees longitude * 10,000,000
altitude int32 altitude (metre) * 100
p1 int16 varies according to action
p2 int16 varies according to action
p3 int16 varies according to action
flag uchar 0xa5 = last, otherwise set to 0 (or 0x48 (72) for FBH WP, INAV 3.1+)

The values for the various parameters are given in the section “WayPoint / Action Attributes” Note that altitude is measured from the "home" location, not absolute above mean sea level, unless the absolute altitude flag is set for a WP (INAV 3.0 and later).

Updating special waypoints

When the craft has a valid position, is armed and the mode GCS NAV is asserted, two of the special waypoints may be updated using MSP_SET_WP:

WP#255 may be updated to set the vehicle's desired location (i.e. "Follow Me"); this also requires that NAV POSHOLD mode is asserted. If the altitude is 0, then the vehicle altitude is unchanged, otherwise it is set as desired relative altitude. If 'P1' is in the range 1-359, the heading is also updated, so "nose first follow me" is possible for a multi-rotor.

WP#0 may be updated to set the home position.


The following data are returned by a MSP_NAV_STATUS message. The usage texts are those defined by Wingui; Multiwii and INAV support this message. Almost the same data is returned by the inav LTM NFRAME

Name Type Usage
gps_mode uchar None
nav_state uchar None
RTH Start
RTH Enroute
PosHold infinite
PosHold timed
WP Enroute
Process next
Start Land
Land in Progress
Settling before land
Start descent
Hover above home
Emergency Landing
action uchar (last wp, next wp?)
wp_number uchar (last wp, next wp?)
nav_error uchar Navigation system is working
Next waypoint distance is more than the safety limit, aborting mission
GPS reception is compromised - pausing mission, COPTER IS ADRIFT!
Error while reading next waypoint from memory, aborting mission.
Mission Finished.
Waiting for timed position hold.
Invalid Jump target detected, aborting mission.
Invalid Mission Step Action code detected, aborting mission.
Waiting to reach return to home altitude.
GPS fix lost, mission aborted - COPTER IS ADRIFT!
Copter is disarmed, navigation engine disabled.
Landing is in progress, check attitude if possible.
target_bearing int16 (presumably to the next WP?)


The following data are returned from a MSP_NAV_CONFIG message. Values are from Multiwii config.h. Values may also be set by MSP_SET_NAV_CONFIG.

Name Type Usage
flags1 uchar Bitmap of settings from MW config.h
b0 : GPS filtering
b1 : GPS Lead
b2 : Reset Home
b3 : Heading control
b4 : Tail first
b5 : RTH Head
b6 : Slow Nav
b7 : RTH Alt
flags2 uchar Bitmap of settings from MW config.h
b0 : Disable sticks
b1 : Baro takeover
wp_radius uint16 radius around which waypoint is reached (cm)
safe_wp_distance uint16 Maximum permitted first leg of mission (m, assumed?)
nav_max_altitude uint16 Maximum altitude for NAV (m)
nav_speed_max uint16 maximum speed for NAV (cm/sec)
nav_speed_min uint16 minimum speed for NAV (cm/s)
crosstrack_gain uchar MW config.h value*100
nav_bank_max uint16 maximum bank ??? for NAV, MW config.h value*100
rth_altitude uint16 RTH altitude (m)
land_speed uchar Governs the descent speed during landing. 100 ~= 50 cm/sec unknown units
fence uint16 Distance beyond which forces RTH (m)
max_wp_number uchar maximum number of waypoints possible (read only)


If you have a 3DR radio with the MW/MSP specific firmware, the follow data are sent from the radio, unsolicited.

Name Type Usage
rxerrors uint16 Number of RX errors
fixed_errors uint16 Number of fixed errors, if error correction is set
localrssi uchar Local RSSI
remrssi uchar Remote RSSI
txbuf uchar Size of TX buffer
noise uchar Local noise
remnoise uchar Remote noise

FC Capabilities (MW only)

Note that 32bit flight controllers (baseflight, cleanflight) use capability == 16 for a different purpose (CAP_CHANNEL_FORWARDING). It is advised to use other messages for checking for capabilities on non-MW platforms.

Capability Value
NAV 16


The MSP NAV message set is implemented by mwptools (Linux, Windows, FreeBSD), ezgui / mission planner for INAV (Android), WinGUI (MS Windows) and the inav-configurator.

XML Mission Files

inav-configurator, mwptools, ezgui / mp4i (and WinGUI) share a common, interoperable, XML mission file format. A XSD can be found in the inav developer documenation.

Encoding MSP Messages

In order to send waypoints to the flight controller, they need to be serialised into an MSP_SET_WP message. This is a standard MSP message; it may be encoded as either MSPv1 or MSPv2. In general, you should use MSPv2 unless you're targeting MultiWii or ancient versions of INAV.

The payload comprises the following packed 'C' language structure:

struct __attribute__ ((__packed__))  _msp_wp {
     uint8_t wp_no;
     uint8_t action;
     int32_t lat;
     int32_t lon;
     int32_t altitude;
     int16_t p1;
     int16_t p2;
     int16_t p3;
     uint8_t flag;
typedef struct _msp_wp MSP_WP;

All values are little endian; of particular note:

  • MSP_SET_WP has value 209 (decimal).
  • lat, lon (latitude and longitude). These values are the WGS84 floating point values multiplied by 1e7 (10,000,000). So the point 54.137110 -4.719426 (54:08:13.60N 004:43:09.93W) would be encoded as 541371100 -47194260.
  • altitude. In centimetres.
  • action, p1, p2 and p3 are encoding according to the values in sections WayPoint and Action Attributes and P3 bitfield usage.
  • flag values are 0 (default), 72 Fly by home WP, 165 final WP.

Depending on your preference and programming language features, you can either write the (little endian) values directly into a packed structure, or individually serialise each element into a contiguous byte array (21 bytes total). In the latter case, the lat value would occupy byte offsets 2-5.

So for the simple mission (one geographic WP and RTH)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
 <missionitem no="1" action="WAYPOINT" lat="54.13711" lon="-4.719426" alt="42" parameter1="1200" parameter2="0" parameter3="0"></missionitem>
 <missionitem no="2" action="RTH" lat="0" lon="0" alt="0" parameter1="1" parameter2="0" parameter3="0" flag="165"></missionitem>

The WP1 payload comprises the following 21 bytes (as hexadecimal):

01 01 dc aa 44 20 6c df 2f fd 68 10 00 00 b0 04 00 00 00 00 00

Which encodes to the MSPV2 message:

24 58 3c 00 d1 00 15 00 01 01 dc aa 44 20 6c df 2f fd 68 10 00 00 b0 04 00 00 00 00 00 9a

The WP2 payload comprises the following 21 bytes (as hexadecimal):

02 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 a5

Which encodes to the MSPV2 message:

24 58 3c 00 d1 00 15 00 02 04 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 a5 a3

Firmware source reference

The normative reference is the source code, the following are definitive src/main/msp/msp and src/main/fc/fc_msp.c.


Wiki Home Page

INAV Version Release Notes

8.0.0 Release Notes
7.1.0 Release Notes
7.0.0 Release Notes
6.0.0 Release Notes
5.1 Release notes
5.0.0 Release Notes
4.1.0 Release Notes
4.0.0 Release Notes
3.0.0 Release Notes
2.6.0 Release Notes
2.5.1 Release notes
2.5.0 Release Notes
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Getting started with iNav
Fixed Wing Guide
Howto: CC3D flight controller, minimOSD , telemetry and GPS for fixed wing
Howto: CC3D flight controller, minimOSD, GPS and LTM telemetry for fixed wing
INAV for BetaFlight users
launch mode
Multirotor guide
YouTube video guides
DevDocs Getting
DevDocs INAV_Fixed_Wing_Setup_Guide.pdf

Connecting to INAV

Bluetooth setup to configure your flight controller
DevDocs Wireless Connections (BLE, TCP and UDP).md\

Flashing and Upgrading

Boards, Targets and PWM allocations
Upgrading from an older version of INAV to the current version
DevDocs USB

Setup Tab
Live 3D Graphic & Pre-Arming Checks

Calibration Tab
Accelerometer, Compass, & Optic Flow Calibration

Alignment Tool Tab
Adjust mount angle of FC & Compass

Ports Tab
Map Devices to UART Serial Ports

Receiver Tab
Set protocol and channel mapping


Mixer Tab
Custom mixes for exotic setups


DevDocs ESC and servo


Navigation modes
Navigation Mode: Return to Home
FW Launch Mode
DevDocs INAV_Modes.pdf


Sensor auto detect and hardware failure detection



PID Tuning

PID Attenuation and scaling
Fixed Wing Tuning for INAV 3.0
Tune INAV PIFF controller for fixedwing
DevDocs Autotune -
DevDocs INAV_Wing_Tuning_Masterclass.pdf
DevDocs PID


GPS and Compass setup
GPS Failsafe and Glitch Protection

OSD and VTx

DevDocs Betaflight 4.3 compatible
OSD custom messages
OSD Hud and ESP32 radars

LED Strip



Advanced Tuning

Fixed Wing Autolaunch
DevDocs INAV_Autolaunch.pdf


DevDocs Programming


DevDocs Inflight

Mission Control

iNavFlight Missions

Tethered Logging

Log when FC is connected via USB


INAV blackbox variables
DevDocs USB_Mass_Storage_(MSC)


iNav CLI variables




"Something" is disabled Reasons
Pixel OSD FAQs
Why do I have limited servo throw in my airplane


AAT Automatic Antenna Tracker
Building custom firmware
Default values for different type of aircrafts
Features safe to add and remove to fit your needs.
Developer info
INAV MSP frames changelog
INAV Remote Management, Control and Telemetry
Lightweight Telemetry (LTM)
Making a new Virtualbox to make your own INAV
MSP Navigation Messages
Rate Dynamics
Target and Sensor support
UAV Interconnect Bus
Ublox 3.01 firmware and Galileo
DevDocs Channel
DevDocs Fixed Wing
DevDocs LED pin
DevDocs OSD
DevDocs Servo
DevDocs Temperature


Supported boards
Legacy Mixers
Legacy target ChebuzzF3
Legacy target Colibri RACE
Legacy target Motolab
Legacy target Omnibus F3
Legacy target Paris Air Hero 32
Legacy target Paris Air Hero 32 F3
Legacy target Sparky
Legacy target SPRacingF3
Legacy target SPRacingF3EVO
Legacy target SPRacingF3EVO_1SS
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