This project contains my WWDC 2017 Scholarship submission.
My Swift Playground is a tribute to Pong, a very old computer game. I gave this vintage game a fresh new look with visual effects. While playing the game, the borders of the field change when the ball touches them. This also triggers a sound. On every scored goal, fireworks will be presented to the player who scores the point.
- SpriteKit: I used SpriteKit and it’s features to develop this wonderful 2D game. I used SKShapeNodes with CategoryBitMasks to detect if my objects collided.
- SpriteKit Particle Emitter: When a user scores a goal, I use the particle emitter to play the stunning fireworks.
- AVAudioPlayer: This allows me to play a sound when the ball touches one of the borders or when playing fireworks.
- Touch: By implementing the override functions touchesBegan, touchesMoved and touchesEnded I was able to implement multi touch on my Playground.
- Threads: I play sounds and special effects in a separate thread to make the app more fluent.