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First steps and resources

ClementMabileau edited this page Dec 8, 2022 · 6 revisions

⚠️ This page is a Work In Progress ⚠️

Why contributing?

The website really is a project of meaning and is seen as an important one to the club.
According to us, it allows the members of the club and the developers of the project to gain experience in a domain we usually don't know much about and shows a lot of new technologies. It allows you to gain a lot of general knowledge!

For instance, web frameworks, networking and the internet, safety and security, docker and its containers, Linux, dev pipelines and CI/CD, even things as common as git and GitHub.

And you can of course choose what you'd like to work on!!


for new contributors check issues labelled with good first issue

GitHub Flow:


the web stack used for the website: MERN:

Policies (without any sort of order)

  • for bugs and new features, open an Issue in the issue tracker before a PR, to discuss the feature's interest, limits and integration to the project
  • new issues and PR must be labelled with needs-triage, a maintainer will assign the right labels and other metadata
  • new issues must be assigned the 'iScsc website' project in Backlog
  • an Issue goes to Todo once it is assigned to a developer, developer should not exceed 2-3 Issues/PR at a time: see in the project
  • an Issue goes to In Progress once its assignee has opened a PR
  • enhancement label is reserved to new features
  • Severity: * labels are reserved to Issues that address directly the source code
  • every Issue should have a Priority: * label, default to Unknown