Software Artifact Analyzer (SAA) is a tool that uses the SAA framework [1], which was developed to quickly build visual analysis tools for software artifact graphs with the aim to improve the software development process. A software artifact graph consists of software artifacts including source code files, pull requests, issues, and commits, as well as their links and their relationships with developers in a software project. Analyzing these graphs provides useful insights into the development process, enabling applications such as expert or reviewer recommendations and detecting process anomalies.
SAA web page, including a demo, a video tutorial, and instructions on usage & customization, may be found here.
SAA was built on a fork of the Visuall toolkit.
[1] Lara Merdol, Eray Tüzün and Ugur Dogrusoz, "SAA: a framework for improving the software development process via visualization-based software analytics", under review, 2024.
SAA is open source and is free for academic/non-commercial use only. Please contact developers regarding the terms of use of this software.
npm install
for loading dependencies
node style-generator.js {application description filename}
to generate customized application, this changes styles.css and index.html. Notice that the application description file is inside the assets
npm run ng serve
for development and debugging
npm run serve-public
for making development server accesible on network
npm run ng test
for unit tests
npm run ng build
to generate a production build, npm run build-prod
to generate a minified, uglified production build
npm run ng build
and npm run build-prod
commands generate files inside dist\ng-visuall folder. An HTTP server should serve these files. You should use server.js file to run a server with command node server.js
git clone
clone software-artifact-analyzer-configuration repository.
pip install -r requirements.txt install
loading python module dependencies
to run the Python module
cd ui
go to UI component folder
npm install
loading dependencies
npm run build
to generate a production build
npm start
to run
Visuall and its dependencies including cytoscape.js.
SAA is being developed by i-Vis Research Lab and BILSEN Research Group at Bilkent University.
Lara Merdol, Eray Tüzün and Ugur Dogrusoz
You might want to get updates from the original Visuall repository. To do that, first, add the base project as a remote repo using git remote add base
then fetch commits for that project with git fetch base
and then transfer changes of commits using a command such as git cherry-pick fe75f -n