The multi-cloud kubernetes provisioner component of the Cross-Cloud CI project.
A Kubernetes provisioner supporting multiple clouds (eg. AWS, Azure, Google, Packet) which
- Creates K8s clusters on cloud providers
- Supplies conformance validated Kubernetes end-points for each cloud provider with cloud specific features enabled
You have to have a working Docker environment
Pre-reqs: IAM User with the following Permissions:
- AmazonEC2FullAccess
- AmazonS3FullAccess
- AmazonRoute53DomainsFullAccess
- AmazonRoute53FullAccess
- IAMFullAccess
- IAMUserChangePassword
AWS credentials
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=”YOUR_AWS_DEFAULT_REGION” # eg. ap-southeast-2
Run the following to provision a Kubernetes cluster on AWS:
docker run \
-v /tmp/data:/cncf/data \
-e NAME=cross-cloud
-e CLOUD=aws \
-e COMMAND=deploy \
-e BACKEND=file \
Pre-reqs: Project created on Google Cloud (eg. test-cncf-cross-cloud)
Google Cloud JSON configuration file for authentication. (This file is downloaded directly from the Google Developers Console)
- Log into the Google Developers Console and select a project.
- The API Manager view should be selected, click on "Credentials" on the left, then "Create credentials," and finally "Service account key."
- Select "Compute Engine default service account" in the "Service account" dropdown, and select "JSON" as the key type.
- Clicking "Create" will download your credentials.
- Rename this file to credentials-gce.json and move to your home directory (~/credentials-gce.json)
Google Project ID
- Log into the Google Developers Console to be sent to the Google API library page screen
- Click the
Select a project
drop-down in the upper left - Copy the Project ID for the desired project from the window that shows Eg. test-cncf-cross-cloud
Run the following to provision a Kubernetes cluster on GCE:
export GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS=$(cat ~/credentials-gce.json)
docker run \
-v /tmp/data:/cncf/data \
-e NAME=cross-cloud \
-e CLOUD=gce \
-e COMMAND=deploy \
-e BACKEND=file \
-e GOOGLE_REGION=us-central1 \
-e GOOGLE_PROJECT=test-cncf-cross-cloud \
You will need a full set of credentials for an OpenStack cloud, including authentication endpoint.
Run the following to provision an OpenStack cluster:
docker run \
-v $(pwd)/data:/cncf/data \
-e NAME=cross-cloud \
-e CLOUD=openstack \
-e COMMAND=deploy \
-e BACKEND=file \
-e TF_VAR_os_auth_url=$OS_AUTH_URL \
-e TF_VAR_os_region_name=$OS_REGION_NAME \
-e TF_VAR_os_user_domain_name=$OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME \
-e TF_VAR_os_username=$OS_USERNAME \
-e TF_VAR_os_project_name=$OS_PROJECT_NAME \
-e TF_VAR_os_password=$OS_PASSWORD \
Minimum required configuration to use Cross-cloud to deploy a Kubernetes cluster on Cloud X.
docker run \
-v /tmp/data:/cncf/data \
-e NAME=cross-cloud
-e CLOUD=<aws|gke|gce|openstack|packet> \
-e COMMAND=<deploy|destory> \
-e BACKEND=<file|s3> \
- -e CLOUD=<aws|gke|gce|openstack|packet> # Choose the cloud provider. Then add the appropriate cloud specific options below.
- -e COMMAND=<deploy|destory>
- -e BACKEND=<file|s3> # File will store the Terraform State file to Disk / S3 will store the Terraform Statefile to a AWS s3 Bucket
- -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=secret
- -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=ap-southeast-2
- -e TF_VAR_packet_project_id=secret
- -e DNSIMPLE_TOKEN=secret
- -e GOOGLE_REGION=us-central1
- -e GOOGLE_PROJECT=test-163823
- -e TF_VAR_os_auth_url=$OS_AUTH_URL
- -e TF_VAR_os_region_name=$OS_REGION_NAME
- -e TF_VAR_os_user_domain_name=$OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME
- -e TF_VAR_os_username=$OS_USERNAME
- -e TF_VAR_os_project_name=$OS_PROJECT_NAME
- -e TF_VAR_os_password=$OS_PASSWORD
Custom Configuration options for the Kubernetes Cluster:
- -e TF_VAR_pod_cidr= # Set the Kubernetes Cluster POD CIDR
- -e TF_VAR_service_cidr= # Set the Kubernetes Cluster SERVICE CIDR
- -e TF_VAR_worker_node_count=3 # Set the Number of Worker nodes to be Deployed in the Cluster
- -e TF_VAR_master_node_count=3 # Set the Number of Master nodes to be Deployed in the Cluster
- -e TF_VAR_dns_service_ip= # Set the Kubernetes DNS Service IP
- -e TF_VAR_k8s_service_ip= # Set the Kubernetes Service IP
- FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions