Compilation of solutions to HackerRank mySQL challenges; a few of the challenges included in the table remain unsolved.
Number | Challenge | Solution |
1 | Asian Population | mySQL |
2 | African Cities | mySQL |
3 | Average Population of Each Continent | mySQL |
4 | Top Competitors | mySQL |
5 | The Report | mySQL |
6 | Ollivander's Inventory | mySQL |
7 | Challenges | mySQL |
8 | Contest Leaderboard | mySQL |
Number | Challenge | Solution |
1 | Type of Triangle | mySQL |
2 | Binary Tree Nodes | mySQL |
3 | The PADS | mySQL |
4 | New Companies | mySQL |
5 | Occupations | mySQL |
Number | Challenge | Solution |
1 | Placements | mySQL |
2 | Symmetric Pairs | mySQL |
3 | SQL Project Planning | mySQL |
4 | Interviews | mySQL |
5 | 15 Days of Learning SQL | mySQL |
Number | Challenge | Solution |
1 | Draw The Triangle 1 | mySQL |
2 | Draw The Triangle 2 | mySQL |
3 | Print Prime Numbers | mySQL |
Code written and compiled by Iain A. Muir. Feel free to reach out to me at my University email,, if you have any questions.
README file is modeled after Thomas-George-T's repo, yet the code is my own.