Tags: iakoug/swc
fix(es/transforms/compat): Fix `async_to_generator` pass. (swc-projec… …t#1724) swc_ecma_transforms_compat: - `async_to_generator`: Fix async iife. (swc-project#1722) - `async_to_generator`: Don't apply iife optimization to named function expressions. - `async_to_generator`: Remove duplicated works. - `async_to_generator`: Support `await for`. (swc-project#1721) - `async_to_generator`: Support async generators.
fix(es/transforms/compat): Improve performance (swc-project#1673) swc_ecma_transforms_compat: - `classes`: Fast-path. - `destructuring`: Fast-path. - `sticky_regex`: Fast-path. - `spread`: Fast-path. - `shorthand`: Fast-path. - `typeof_symbol`: Fast-path. - `block_scoped_functions`: Fast path. - `duplicate_keys`: Use fxhash. - `instance_of`: Fast path. - `reserved_words`: Make string comparison efficient.
fix(es/transforms/compat): Handle references to `arguments` inside ar… …row functions and block scoped loops (swc-project#1585) Co-authored-by: 강동윤 <kdy1997.dev@gmail.com>
fix(bundler): Fix bundler (swc-project#1576) swc_bundler: - Fix remapping of exports. (denoland/deno#9350)
fix(bundler): Fix bundler (swc-project#1576) swc_bundler: - Fix remapping of exports. (denoland/deno#9350)
fix(swc): Fix bugs for v1.2.50 (swc-project#1444) swc: - Respect `react` config. swc_ecma_transforms_compat: - `export-namespace-from`: Preserve `use strict`. (swc-project#1423) swc_ecma_transforms_module: - Inject `use strict` before imports. (swc-project#1423) swc_ecma_transforms_proposal: - Emit metadata for literal types. (swc-project#1421)