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Dockerlinter - A simple golang tool for linting of Dockerfile

A simple golang tool which audits your Dockerfile with Best Practices and generates a HTML report. The main goal of creating this tool is to provide easy, fast and reliable linting of Dockerfile.

Right now we are supporting below OS:-

  • Windows
  • Linux


The requirements for using this tools are:-

  • If you want to do development
  • If you are running Dockerized Setup


Dockerlinter will check the Dockerfile for best practices and generate report according to it.

Things you should know about Dockerlinter:-

  • Dockerlinter only checks the best practices of Dockerfile, It doesn't format it.
  • For development golang 1.9+ versions are supported.

The folder structure is something like this:-

dockerlinter     ---> Main codebase for Dockerlinter
├── cmd          ---> Contains main.go which is the entrypoint of the dockerlinter
├── Dockerfile   ---> Dockerfile for dockerization of linting utility
├── example      ---> Some example Dockerfiles for testing
├── LICENSE      ---> Apache-2.0 License for this linter
├── linter       ---> Contains rules for dockerlinter
├── main.go      ---> The main.go file which will call other modules
├── Makefile     ---> Makefile for ease of the development
├──    ---> README have all the information about this linter
├── reports      ---> Report generation code for linter
└── static       ---> Static files like images etc.


Here is the list of parameters which is accepted by this tool.

Parameter Supported Values Description
--ignore code Ex:- dl3000 Provide the rule code which you want to ignore
--version - It will print the version of dockerlinter.

Getting Started

Compiling binary

git clone
cd dockerlinter
make get-depends
make build-code

Using existing release

## For linux
tar -xvzf dockerlinter-0.0.2-linux-amd64.tar.gz

## For Windows
tar -xvzf dockerlinter-0.0.2-windows-amd64.tar.gz

Dockerized Setup

Steps for Dockerized Setup

make build-image
docker run -itd --name docker-linter docker-linter:latest

Running dockerlinter

After running setup, you just need to execute a simple binary. For example:-

dockerlinter Dockerfile

Example Reports

We are generating reports in two ways one is HTML and other one is Table.

  • Table Report
| LINE NUMBER |              LINE              | RULE CODE |          DESCRIPTION           |
| 1           | FROM alpine:latest             | DL3007    | Using latest is prone to       |
|             |                                |           | errors if the image will       |
|             |                                |           | ever update. Pin the version   |
|             |                                |           | explicitly to a release tag.   |
| 11          | RUN apk update && \            | DL3018    | Pin versions in apk add.       |
|             |                                |           | Instead of `apk add package`   |
|             |                                |           | use `apk add package=version`. |
| 11          | RUN apk update && \            | DL3019    | Use the `--no-cache` switch    |
|             |                                |           | to avoid the need to use       |
|             |                                |           | `--update` and remove          |
|             |                                |           | `/var/cache/apk/*` when done   |
|             |                                |           | installing packages.           |
| 3           | MAINTAINER Abhishek Dubey      | DL4000    | MAINTAINER is deprecated.      |
|             | <>   |           |                                |
  • HTML Report


For rules, we have taken the refrence from hadolint. Here is the list of rules which we are implementing:-

Rule Description
DL3000 Use absolute WORKDIR.
DL3001 For some bash commands it makes no sense running them in a Docker container like ssh, vim, shutdown, service, ps, free, top, kill, mount, ifconfig.
DL3002 Last user should not be root.
DL3003 Use WORKDIR to switch to a directory.
DL3004 Do not use sudo as it leads to unpredictable behavior. Use a tool like gosu to enforce root.
DL3005 Do not use apt-get upgrade or dist-upgrade.
DL3006 Always tag the version of an image explicitly.
DL3007 Using latest is prone to errors if the image will ever update. Pin the version explicitly to a release tag.
DL3008 Pin versions in apt-get install.
DL3009 Delete the apt-get lists after installing something.
DL3010 Use ADD for extracting archives into an image.
DL3011 Valid UNIX ports range from 0 to 65535.
DL3012 Provide an email address or URL as maintainer.
DL3013 Pin versions in pip.
DL3014 Use the -y switch.
DL3015 Avoid additional packages by specifying --no-install-recommends.
DL3016 Pin versions in npm.
DL3017 Do not use apk upgrade.
DL3018 Pin versions in apk add. Instead of apk add <package> use apk add <package>=<version>.
DL3019 Use the --no-cache switch to avoid the need to use --update and remove /var/cache/apk/* when done installing packages.
DL3020 Use COPY instead of ADD for files and folders.
DL3021 COPY with more than 2 arguments requires the last argument to end with /
DL3022 COPY --from should reference a previously defined FROM alias
DL3023 COPY --from cannot reference its own FROM alias
DL3024 FROM aliases (stage names) must be unique
DL3025 Use arguments JSON notation for CMD and ENTRYPOINT arguments
DL3026 Use only an allowed registry in the FROM image
DL4000 MAINTAINER is deprecated.
DL4001 Either use Wget or Curl but not both.
DL4003 Multiple CMD instructions found.
DL4004 Multiple ENTRYPOINT instructions found.
DL4005 Use SHELL to change the default shell.
DL4006 Set the SHELL option -o pipefail before RUN with a pipe in it


  • Remove temporary files
  • Publish table output on terminal
  • Add more linting rules