This is a drop-in replacement for react-native-screenshot-detector with fixes for react-native > 0.60.0 which is no longer maintained
Note: this project is designed to work with the newer version of React Native library imports, i.e. React Native >= 0.40.0, and will only work on iOS as Android does not provide the underlying functionality needed to track screenshots.
React Native < 0.60.0
npm install react-native-screenshot-detect
react-native link react-native-screenshot-detect
React Native >= 0.60.0
npm install react-native-screenshot-detect
pod install
inside of the ios sub folder
Update the AppDelegate.m file to include the following:
#import <RNScreenshotDetector/RNScreenshotDetector.h>
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
// ... setup code
// Somewhere React Native will have placed something like
RCTRootView *rootView = [[RCTRootView alloc] initWithBundleURL...]
// Somewhere below this you can setup the screenshot detector to listen for events
RNScreenshotDetector* screenshotDetector = [[RNScreenshotDetector alloc] init];
[screenshotDetector setupAndListen:rootView.bridge];
import * as ScreenshotDetector from 'react-native-screenshot-detect';
// Subscribe callback to screenshots:
this.eventEmitter = ScreenshotDetector.subscribe(() => { ... });
// Unsubscribe later (a good place would be componentWillUnmount)