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Live Link - Chainwise
Slides - Slides
The growth of web3 is intricatley tied to influencers and communities. There is currently no platform where startup creators and busineses can get on-demand access to on-chain verifiable influencers and communities that genuinely drive business growth and adoption.
Chainwise is a dApp that takles the web3 influencer/community sourcing problem for web3 creators and businesses.
Chainwise allows product creators and business to create campaigns with defined milestones, then select from a pool of verified influencers and communities. Each campaign requires at least a milestone to be fulfilled and is verified by the product creator, before milestone funds are released to the influencer.
Chainwise also helps web3 influencers and communities create an online reputation that is verifiable on the blockchain.
After their first successful campaign delivery, the influencer/community can mint a soulbound NFT which serves as their on-chain verification and unlocks more benefits. The more campaigns delivered, the more their on-chain rating (XP).
We created 2 smart contracts in Solidity, Chainwise.sol and ChainwiseVerificationBadge.sol.
The Chainwise contract handles the escrow, campaign creation and matching, and milestones tracking. This contract is deployed on Polygon - View on Mumbai
The ChainwiseVerificationBadge is used for on-chain verification. It is a soulbound NFT contract that can only be minted after an influencer/community has succesfully delivered their first campaign. View on Mumbai
For the front end, We used NextJs/Typescript
, Wagmi
, Rainbowkit
, Prisma
and TailwindCSS
Chainwise is a hybrid dApp built with custom API endpoints for handling the transactional database logic while the core functions are on-chain.
🍥 Implemented an idea that was birthed from our personal pain point.
🍥 Utilized Bunzz for a seamless deployment process
🍥 Deployed our dApp on the Polygon network which means we will have the best of speed, cost and mobility for our users.
🍥 Had fun, and learnt a whole lot building our first hybrid dApp
We're excited to have built this dApp. To enable more web3 businesses have on-demand access to the best influencers and communities, we plan on:
- Introduce Chainwise token that can be earned as influencers hit certain XP
- Adding an on-chain validation layer for dispute resolution.
- Add a liquidity pool that influencers can easily exchange ChainWise Token for $MATIC
Thank you! I hope you enjoyed our dApp which allows web3 to grow to its full potentials by eliminating fake influencers/communities and allowing both busineeses and verified influencers/community benefit as we build the future of web3.
** Smart contract **
Note: Recommend using Remix for quick smart contract deployment, or alternatively hardhat:
on Polygon by running the necessary Hardhat script -
by passing the deployedChainwise
** Frontend **
Update your deployed
address on the `src/constants/index.ts file. -
Setup a PostGreSQL instance from Railway
Replace the
on the .env file -
npx prisma migrate dev
to push migrations to the database -
yarn dev
to start the DApp on your development environment. -
You can connect your wallet and enjoy a world of limitless possibilities.