This extension automatically applies shipping based on 3 parameters:
COUNTRY: When a customer first go to the shopping cart, shipping method is calculated using the store’s default country (System->Configuration->General->Countries Options->Default Country).
If the customer is logged in, the country of the customer’s shipping address is used. If a customer selected a country and clicked ‘get quote’, the selected is used.
SORT ORDER: Sort order of shipping methods can be set up at System->Configuration->Shipping Methods->Shipping Method Name->Sort Order Shipping method has the smallest sort order value will get applied.
For examle, Set Free shipping to have a sort order of 1, Flat Rate to have a sort order of 2. When freeshipping is available, it will be applied. When it is not available, flat rate is applied.
POSTALCODE When a customer first go to the shopping cart, shipping method is calculated using the store’s default postalcode (System->Configuration->Sales->Shipping Settings->ZIP/Postal Code).
If the customer is logged in, the postalcode of the customer’s shipping address is used. If a customer selected a postalcode and clicked ‘get quote’, the selected is used.
Shipping rates will get recalculated when the customer:
- add items to cart
- update
- remove items from cart