File names under this repository ; description of the file/codes
- Transcript_preprocessing.ipynb ; Chop and preprocess therapy session transcript files.
This Notebook will: read all the transcripts in '/Users/Heisig/Jihan/Transcripts/'; create split subject interviewer transcripts here: /Users/Heisig/Jihan/Transcripts/SplitTranscripts/'; create split subject interviewer turn transcripts here: /Users/Heisig/Jihan/Transcripts/SplitTurnsTranscripts'; create POS tagged tokens using stanza and saves them in: '/Users/Heisig/Jihan/POS/'; create a few plots and stats (optional); Linguistic Inquiry Word Count software (LIWC-2015 edition) will be then run on split subject interviewer transcript.
- Part_of_speech_tag_transition_matrix.ipynb ; Generate Part of Speech (POS) tags transition matrix.
This Notebook will: read (or reconstruct) the POS file containing all the POS for each sentence; compute word frequencies; construct the transition matrix and the histograms
- Language_feature_selection.ipynb ; Join LIWC, POS, clinical data and perform statistical tests to find statistically significant language features.
This Notebook will: read session scores LIWC category counts, Part of Speech frequencies and transitions together along with alliance; perform feature selection by running F-test.
- language.csv
De-identified langauge feature dataset extracted (LIWC-2015 and POS transition) in the sessions and associated clinical variables. Data dictionary: Closeness/Dependence/Anxiety - revised adult attachment scores of patients, Prev_alliance - strength of patient-rated alliance with the therapist in the previous treatment prior to the current one, Sex (0 = male patient, 1 = female patient), Telehealth (0 = in-person, 1 = telehealth), Therapist_experience (0 = trainee psychologist/psychaitrist with lifetime patients <10, 1 = trainee psychologist/psychiatrist with lifetime patients >=10 & <100, 2 = faculty psychotherapists with lifetime patients 100>=).
- trustgame.csv
Trust game indices of each subject (ID) who played trustee. Data dictionary: Role - role of the trustee in real-world psychotherapy relationship, i.e. P = patient, T = therapist; Repayment fraction from round 1 to 10 made by trustee, i.e. rf1-rf10; investor total scores at the end of the game; trustee (i.e. subject) total scores at the end of the game; Scores_Total - the sum of investor and trustee total scores at the end of the game.
- iScience_Fig_1_2_3.Rmd ; Generate Figure 1, 2, and 3 of the paper
This code will read language.csv and trustgame.csv and generate: Fig 1 - histogram of patient and therapist first-person pronoun usage and correlations with alliance; Fig 2 - histogram of patient and therapist non-fluency and correlations with alliance; Fig 3 - extract average repayment fraction of subjects playing trust game as objective index of trust and run mediation analysis to see if it mediates the association between first-person pronoun features and alliance.