Mongoid Slug generates a URL slug or permalink based on one or more fields in a Mongoid model.
It sits idly on top of stringex and works with non-Latin characters.
Add mongoid_slug to your Gemfile:
gem 'mongoid_slug', :require => 'mongoid/slug'
Set up slugs in models like this:
class Book
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Slug
field :title
embeds_many :authors
slug :title
class Author
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Slug
field :first
field :last
embedded_in :book, :inverse_of => :authors
slug :first, :last, :as => :name
In your controller, throw in some minimal magic:
# GET /books/a-thousand-plateaus/authors/gilles-deleuze
author = Book.find_by_slug(params[:book_id]).
By default, slugs are not permanent:
>> book = Book.create(:title => "A Thousand Plateaus")
>> book.to_param
>> book.title = "Anti Oedipus"
>> book.to_param
If you require permanent slugs, pass the :permanent
option when
defining the slug.
To scope an object by a reference association, pass :scope
class Company
include Mongoid::Document
references_many :employees
class Employee
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Slug
field :name
slug :name, :scope => :company
referenced_in :company
In this example, if you create an employee without associating it with any company, the scope will fall back to the root employees collection.
Currently, if you have an irregular association name, you must
specify the :inverse_of
option on the other side of the assocation.
Embedded objects are automatically scoped by their parent.
You may optionally pass an :index
option to define an index on top-level
class Book
field :title
slug :title, :index => true
Indexes on unscoped slugs will be unique.
This option has no effect if the object is embedded.