Rewrite of the client in angular
- Solve view not updated after update response
- Tried using $.extend(true, targetObject, updatedObject) to set values, instead of replacing the whole object (
- Solve view not updated after update response
Notify issues
- Add user visual feedback and maybe redirection to map or issue details of generated issue
IssueDetailView - Migrating from issue.view approach in the IssueBO service to raw data access (issue.models.X.Y), and doing the mapping (Ex: modelState2viewCSS) in view instead of in the service, exposing those modelState2viewCSS and so throught the controller to view. This avoids some update problems, reliying on angular bindings instead
BUG - On notify issue view, if backbutton to map is used, map modes crashes, and issue markers disappear
Issue change state
Issue List/Map filtering
IssueMap view
- Include marker clustering:
- Marker popup - View deatils button: Use CSS preprocesor to bind ".issue a.stateX" to "btn btn-X" so we have more flexibility to change theming
Users: Implement collaborators, resolvers, and resolver groups
Filters: Generic filtering system, {Resolver} filters list, {ResolverGroup} filters list (shared with all members)
Contact info: {Resolvers} & {ResolversGroup} contact info needed to resolve the action demanded
Materials list for rooms and activities
{User.collaborator} - Feedback once issue is resolved in form of satisfaction of the results (boolena, or 1-5stars, 1-10 points, list of "feelings about" like, acceptable, needs get better) Inspired by customer feedback from Salesforce service (
- Check Salesforce videos to get inspiration:
- IssueDAO - IssueCollection - Smart update after adding items
- Now after post (via IssueDAO.add()) we fetch all the issues again. It would be interesting getting just the issue posted by a new request, or from de post response
- response returns a promise. Maybe if API returns the added item it could be retrieved from there, or at least the id of the added item, so we can perform a single request
- Now after post (via IssueDAO.add()) we fetch all the issues again. It would be interesting getting just the issue posted by a new request, or from de post response