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The maze project is a fun and interactive means of experimenting with and demonstrating knowledge of graphing algorithms and their use cases. Using ncurses, the maze project acts a visualizer for how graphing algorithms can be used in the generation and solving of mazes.

Getting Started

The following will get the project ready to run on your local machine.


In order to run the maze program, you will need the following:

  • Python (at least 3.4)
  • ncurses (readily available on most Linux Distros)

Installation and Use

To use the maze program, simply clone it from this repo

git clone

Once you have the project on your machine, you can build it with


This will generate 2 binaries: generator_driver and solver_driver. These binaries can be used independently, but it's easier to simply run the python script titled, which will guide you through their use.


Table of Contents

Maze Generation

Maze Solving

There is also a 5th option for solving; using the arrow keys, the user can attempt to navigate through the maze manually.

Maze Generation

The following are explanations and demonstrations of algorithms that can be used to generate mazes.

Randomized Prim's

Prim's Algorithm is a graphing algorithm used to find Minimum Spanning Trees (MST). The algorithm starts by picking a given node in the graph, with which it begins the MST. It then finds the shortest edge from the MST to a node that is not in the MST, and adds that node. It continues this process until all nodes are in the MST. The process of finding the shortest edge can be (and frequently is) optimized by using a Priority Queue.

If we consider the console to be a fully connected graph, then we can slightly modify this algorithm to create randomized mazes. Since the distance from a node will always be 1, we aren't able to pick the shortest edge (nor do we want to). Instead, we will just randomly choose one of the edges that touches the MST. This will result in a slowly spreading algorithm which will eventually cut a complete maze from the grid. One of the properties of an MST is that there are no cycles, therefore mazes generated with Prim's Algorithm with not have loops.

Randomized Prim's Algorithm for generating mazes

Randomized Depth-First Search

Depth-First Search (DFS) is a algorithm normally used to traverse the nodes in a graph. Like Prim's Algorithm, it is initialized with a starting point. DFS then pushes all of the connecting nodes on top of a stack. It then pops off the top node from the stack, adds its connecting nodes, and then repeats the process until there are no more nodes on the stack. Normally, DFS will use a uniform process when adding neighbors to the stack (For example, it might add neighbors in a clockwise pattern: top, right, bottom, left). In the case of maze generating, we need an element of randomness, so the neighbors will be randomly selected to be added to the stack.

If we again consider the console to be a fully corrected graph, we can send DFS through the grid, turning each visited node into a part of the maze. Due to the nature of the stack data structure, DFS will seem to run along a path until it runs out of space, at which point it will backtrack to an earlier point, then run until it hits another dead-end. This will cause mazes to have very long corridors, and a very low branching factor, so DFS mazes tend to have long paths to the finish, but the solution is very easy to find.

Randomized Depth-First Search for generating mazes

Randomized Kruskal's

Kruskal's Algorithm is, much like Prim's Algorithm, a Minimum Spanning Tree algorithm. The randomized version used here works by extracting an edge from the set of all edges, then checking to see if the nodes at either end of that edge are in the same connected component, which are sometimes referred to more simply as "forests". If the nodes are in the same forest, then the edge is discarded, since adding it would create a cycle. However, if the nodes are in separate forests, the edge is added, combining the two forests into one. This process is repeated until there are no more edges to examine. In this way, Kruskal's Algorithm is able to generate acyclic graphs.

Randomized Kruskal's Algorithm for generating mazes

Maze Solving

The following are explanations and demonstrations of algorithms that can be used to solve mazes.

Breadth-First Search

Bread-First Search is a relatively simple pathfinding algorithm - it's frequently the first pathfinding algorithm the CS students learn. The function is given a start node, which it immediately marks as visited and puts it into a queue. This queue is referred to as the "frontier", and represents the nodes that are currently being visited. It then pops the first node off the front of the queue, and marks each of that node's neighbors as visited, followed by adding them all to the queue. This process is repeated until either the goal is found or all nodes have been explored. If BFS can't proceed, then there can not be a path from the start to the node.

Breadth-First Search for solving mazes

Depth-First Search

The operation of DFS is already explained in the prior section.

Depth-First Search for solving mazes

Recursive Backtracking

Recursive backtracking is a sort of clever way of implementing DFS. It uses the exact same method for pathfinding, but taks advantage of the fact the when a function is called, it is placed on the call stack. This call stack replaces the stack used in DFS, causing Backtracking to be very easy to implement, since the only required data structure is implicitly created during the operation of the algorithm

Recursive backtracking can take a very long time. For this reason, the gif has been omitted. The only visual difference between this implementation of Backtracking vs DFS is that Backtracking actually "walks" back to the point at which it made a wrong turn.


A* is an "informed" pathfinding algorithm. This means that in order for it to function, it not only needs to know where its start point is, it also needs to know where the end point is. As A* visits nodes, it assigns a distance d(start, v) from that node to the start point. It also assigns a value from a heuristic function h(v). In the case of finding paths in square-like mazes, the heuristic used is the Manhattan Distance. Once it has those two values, they are summed and assigned to the node f(v) = d(start, v) + h(v). The node is then thrown into a priority queue. The algorithm progresses by dequeing nodes from the priority queue until either the end point is discovered, or there are no more nodes to explore.

A\* for solving mazes


Create a maze using Prim's Algorithm and then solve it.






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