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tar: improve diagnostic reporting
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Using Python testtar file (mentioned in ziglang#14310) to test diagnostic
Added computing checksum by using both unsigned and signed header bytes
Added skipping gnu exteneded sparse headers while reporting unsupported
header in diagnostic.

Note on testing:

wget -O

test "Python testtar.tar file" {
    const file_name = "testtar.tar";

    var file = try std.fs.cwd().openFile("/tmp/" ++ file_name, .{});
    defer file.close();

    var diag = Options.Diagnostics{ .allocator = std.testing.allocator };
    defer diag.deinit();

    var iter = iterator(file.reader(), &diag);
    while (try |f| {
        std.debug.print("supported: {} {s} {d}\n", .{ f.kind,, f.size });
        try f.skip();
    for (diag.errors.items) |e| {
        switch (e) {
            .unsupported_file_type => |u| {
                std.debug.print("unsupported: {} {s}\n", .{ u.file_type, u.file_name });
            else => unreachable,
  • Loading branch information
ianic committed Dec 20, 2023
1 parent 26a4035 commit bf53d4e
Showing 1 changed file with 31 additions and 9 deletions.
40 changes: 31 additions & 9 deletions lib/std/tar.zig
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -105,6 +105,8 @@ pub const Header = struct {
// used to store the path or link name for the next file.
gnu_long_name = 'L',
gnu_long_link = 'K',
gnu_sparse = 'S',
solaris_extended_header = 'X',

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,25 +196,31 @@ pub const Header = struct {
return std.fmt.parseInt(u64, rtrimmed, 8) catch return error.TarHeader;

const Chksums = struct {
unsigned: u64,
signed: i64,

// Sum of all bytes in the header block. The chksum field is treated as if
// it were filled with spaces (ASCII 32).
fn computeChksum(header: Header) u64 {
var sum: u64 = 0;
for (header.bytes, 0..) |b, i| {
if (148 <= i and i < 156) continue; // skip chksum field bytes
sum += b;
fn computeChksum(header: Header) Chksums {
var cs: Chksums = .{ .signed = 0, .unsigned = 0 };
for (header.bytes, 0..) |v, i| {
const b = if (148 <= i and i < 156) 32 else v; // Treating chksum bytes as spaces.
cs.unsigned += b;
cs.signed += @as(i8, @bitCast(b));
// Treating chksum bytes as spaces. 256 = 8 * 32, 8 spaces.
return if (sum > 0) sum + 256 else 0;
return cs;

// Checks calculated chksum with value of chksum field.
// Returns error or valid chksum value.
// Zero value indicates empty block.
pub fn checkChksum(header: Header) !u64 {
const field = try header.chksum();
const computed = header.computeChksum();
if (field != computed) return error.TarHeaderChksum;
const cs = header.computeChksum();
if (field == 0 and cs.unsigned == 256) return 0;
if (field != cs.unsigned and field != cs.signed) return error.TarHeaderChksum;
return field;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -387,11 +395,25 @@ fn Iterator(comptime ReaderType: type) type {
.file_name = try d.allocator.dupe(u8,,
.file_type = kind,
} });
if (kind == .gnu_sparse) {
try self.skipGnuSparseExtendedHeaders(header);
self.reader.skipBytes(size, .{}) catch return error.TarHeadersTooBig;
return null;

fn skipGnuSparseExtendedHeaders(self: *Self, header: Header) !void {
var is_extended = header.bytes[482] > 0;
while (is_extended) {
var buf: [Header.SIZE]u8 = undefined;
const n = try self.reader.readAll(&buf);
if (n < Header.SIZE) return error.UnexpectedEndOfStream;
is_extended = buf[504] > 0;

Expand Down

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