Simple and complete Qwik testing utilities that encourage good testing practices.
You want to write maintainable tests for your Qwik components.
is a lightweight library for testing Qwik
components. It provides functions on top of qwik
so you can mount Qwik components and query their
rendered output in the DOM. Its primary guiding principle is:
The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you.
This module is distributed via npm which is bundled with node and
should be installed as one of your project's devDependencies
npm install --save-dev @testing-library/dom
This library supports qwik
versions 1.7.2
and above and @testing-library/dom
versions 10.1.0
and above.
You may also be interested in installing @testing-library/jest-dom
and @testing-library/user-event
so you can
use the custom jest matchers and the user event library to test interactions with the DOM.
npm install --save-dev @testing-library/jest-dom @testing-library/user-event
Finally, we need a DOM environment to run the tests in.
This library was tested (for now) only with jsdom
so we recommend using it:
npm install --save-dev jsdom
We recommend using
with Vitest as your test
If you haven't done so already, add vitest to your project using Qwik CLI:
npm run qwik add vitest
After that, we need to configure Vitest so it can run your tests.
For this, create a separate vitest.config.ts
so you don't have to modify your project's vite.config.ts
// vitest.config.ts
import {defineConfig, mergeConfig} from "vitest/config";
import viteConfig from "./vite.config";
export default defineConfig((configEnv) =>
// qwik-testing-library needs to consider your project as a Qwik lib
// if it's already a Qwik lib, you can remove this section
build: {
target: "es2020",
lib: {
entry: "./src/index.ts",
formats: ["es", "cjs"],
fileName: (format, entryName) =>
`${entryName}.qwik.${format === "es" ? "mjs" : "cjs"}`,
// configure your test environment
test: {
environment: "jsdom",
setupFiles: ["./vitest.setup.ts"],
globals: true,
For now, qwik-testing-library
needs to consider your project as a lib (PR welcomed to simplify this).
Hence, the build.lib
section in the config above.
As the build will try to use ./src/index.ts
as the entry point, we need to create it:
// ./src/index.ts
* This entrypoint is needed by to run your tests
Then, create the vitest.setup.ts
// vitest.setup.ts
// Configure DOM matchers to work in Vitest
import "@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest";
// This has to run before qdev.ts loads. `beforeAll` is too late
globalThis.qTest = false; // Forces Qwik to run as if it was in a Browser
globalThis.qRuntimeQrl = true;
globalThis.qDev = true;
globalThis.qInspector = false;
This setup will make sure that Qwik is properly configured.
It also loads @testing-library/jest-dom/vitest
in your test runner
so you can use matchers like expect(...).toBeInTheDocument()
By default, Qwik Testing Library cleans everything up automatically for you.
You can opt out of this by setting the environment variable QTL_SKIP_AUTO_CLEANUP
to true
Then in your tests, you can call the cleanup
function when needed.
For example:
import {cleanup} from "";
import {afterEach} from "vitest";
Finally, edit your tsconfig.json
to declare the following global types:
// tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"types": [
+ "vite/client",
+ "vitest/globals",
+ "@testing-library/jest-dom/vitest"
"include": ["src"]
Below are some examples of how to use
to tests your Qwik components.
You can also learn more about the queries and user events over at the Testing Library website.
This is a minimal setup to get you started, with line-by-line explanations.
// counter.spec.tsx
// import qwik-testing methods
import {screen, render, waitFor} from "";
// import the userEvent methods to interact with the DOM
import {userEvent} from "@testing-library/user-event";
// import the component to be tested
import {Counter} from "./counter";
// describe the test suite
describe("<Counter />", () => {
// describe the test case
it("should increment the counter", async () => {
// setup user event
const user = userEvent.setup();
// render the component into the DOM
await render(<Counter/>);
// retrieve the 'increment count' button
const incrementBtn = screen.getByRole("button", {name: /increment count/});
// click the button twice
// assert that the counter is now 2
await waitFor(() => expect(screen.findByText(/count:2/)).toBeInTheDocument());
This feature is under a testing phase and thus experimental. Its API may change in the future, so use it at your own risk.
The Qwik Testing Library provides a mock$
that can be used to create a mock of a QRL and verify interactions on your Qwik components.
It is not a replacement of regular mocking functions (such as vi.fn
and vi.mock
) as its intended use is only for
testing callbacks of Qwik components.
Here's an example on how to use the mock$
// import qwik-testing methods
import {mock$, clearAllMock, render, screen, waitFor} from "";
// import the userEvent methods to interact with the DOM
import {userEvent} from "@testing-library/user-event";
// import the component to be tested
import {Counter} from "./counter";
// describe the test suite
describe("<Counter />", () => {
// initialize a mock
// note: the empty callback is required but currently unused
const onChangeMock = mock$(() => {
// setup beforeEach block to run before each test
beforeEach(() => {
// remember to always clear all mocks before each test
// describe the 'on increment' test cases
describe("on increment", () => {
// describe the test case
it("should call onChange$", async () => {
// setup user event
const user = userEvent.setup();
// render the component into the DOM
await render(<Counter value={0} onChange$={onChangeMock}/>);
// retrieve the 'decrement' button
const decrementBtn = screen.getByRole("button", {name: "Decrement"});
// click the button
// assert that the onChange$ callback was called with the right value
// note: QRLs are async in Qwik, so we need to resolve them to verify interactions
await waitFor(() =>
If one of your Qwik components uses server$
calls, your tests might fail with a rather cryptic message (e.g. QWIK ERROR __vite_ssr_import_0__.myServerFunctionQrl is not a function
QWIK ERROR Failed to parse URL from ?qfunc=DNpotUma33o
We're happy to discuss it on Discord, but we consider this failure to be a good thing: your components should be tested in isolation, so you will be forced to mock your server functions.
Here is an example of how to test a component that uses server$
// ~/server/blog-posts.ts
import {server$} from "";
import {BlogPost} from "~/lib/blog-post";
export const getLatestPosts$ = server$(function (): Promise<BlogPost> {
// get the latest posts
return Promise.resolve([]);
// ~/components/latest-post-list.spec.tsx
import {render, screen, waitFor} from "";
import {LatestPostList} from "./latest-post-list";
vi.mock('~/server/blog-posts', () => ({
// the mocked function should end with `Qrl` instead of `$`
getLatestPostsQrl: () => {
return Promise.resolve([{id: 'post-1', title: 'Post 1'}, {id: 'post-2', title: 'Post 2'}]);
describe('<LatestPostList />', () => {
it('should render the latest posts', async () => {
await render(<LatestPostList/>);
await waitFor(() => expect(screen.queryAllByRole('listitem')).toHaveLength(2));
Notice how the mocked function is ending with Qrl
instead of $
, despite being named as getLatestPosts$
This is caused by the Qwik optimizer renaming it to Qrl
So, we need to mock the Qrl
function instead of the original $
If your function doesn't end with $
, the Qwik optimizer will not rename it to Qrl
- Watch mode (at least in Webstorm) doesn't seem to work well: components are not being updated with your latest changes
Looking to contribute? Look for the Good First Issue label.
Please file an issue for bugs, missing documentation, or unexpected behavior.
Please file an issue to suggest new features. Vote on feature requests by adding a 👍. This helps maintainers prioritize what to work on.
For questions related to using the library, please visit a support community instead of filing an issue on GitHub.
Thanks goes to these people (emoji key):
Ian Létourneau 💻 |
Brandon Pittman 📖 |
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!
Massive thanks to the Qwik Team and the whole community for their efforts to build Qwik and for the inspiration on how to create a testing library for Qwik.
Thanks to the Testing Library Team for a great set of tools to build better products, confidently, and qwikly.