API Testing with Postman and Newman.
Note: You might find some items that are not optimized. Feel free to create a PR if you want to make some optimization.
Running API Test using
node js
. You can use your own Imported Collection and Environment. These are controlled inside the./conf/conf.js
file. -
Put your postman Collection in
and make sure the file name format is<whatever file name you have>_collection.json
Put your Environment in
and make sure the file name format is<environment>.<whatever name>_environment.json
For more info, please visit Newman API Reference
collection: require(String(config.Collection)),
environment: require(String(config.Environment)),
timeoutRequest: 60000,
timeoutScript: 60000,
delayRequest: 500,
reporters: ['cli', 'htmlextra', 'junit'],
reporter: {
htmlextra: {
export: './report/' + config.ReportName + '_' + config.Label + '.html',
title: config.ReportName + ' ' + config.Label,
darkTheme: true,
skipSensitiveData: false,
junit: {
export: './report/' + config.ReportName + '_' + config.Label + '.xml',
}).on('start', function(err, args) {
console.log('running a collection...');
}).on('done', function(err, summary) {
if (err || summary.error) {
console.error('collection run encountered an error.');
} else {
console.log('collection run completed.');
Clone the repo —
Install Postman -
Import Collection and Environment
Running Tests using Postman Collection Runs
(Optional)Install nvm in your machine
Install nodeJs using nvm. You can also install nodeJS without using nvm. Here are some references if you are installing not using nvm
Install your favorite IDE. I used VS Code for this
On your terminal (mac) / cmd (windows), go to your project directory and install the Node Packages using
npm install
Run your test.
npm run test:dev
. To run on other environments, please provide the environment argument- Note: before running your test, if you made changes please execute ESLint first
npm run lint-fix
Once all tests are executed, an aggregated report will be generated under
. -
Test Results can be also posted on Slack. Please read documentation how to setup Slack Notification