Java 1.5 or above.
Read API documentation (https://latch.elevenpaths.com/www/developers/doc_api).
To get the "Application ID" and "Secret", (fundamental values for integrating Latch in any application), it’s necessary to register a developer account in Latch's website: https://latch.elevenpaths.com. On the upper right side, click on "Developer area".
Include all SDK files and dependencies in your project.
Create a new class (for example LatchSDK.java) extending Latch.java. This class should override HTTP_GET method with your own implementation to perform HTTP requests as you usually perform them in your project.
public class LatchSDK extends Latch{
public JsonElement HTTP_GET(String URL, Map<String, String>headers) {
//Your implementation here
- Create a Latch object with the "Application ID" and "Secret" previously obtained.
LatchSDK latch = new LatchSDK(APP_ID, SECRET);
- Call to Latch Server. Pairing will return an account id that you should store for future api calls
LatchResponse pairResponse = latch.pair(TOKEN);
LatchResponse statusResponse = latch.status(ACCOUNT_ID);
LatchResponse opStatusResponse = latch.operationStatus(ACCOUNT_ID, OPERATION_ID);
LatchResponse unpairResponse = latch.unpair(ACCOUNT_ID);
- After every API call, get Latch response data and errors and handle them.
JsonObject jObject = latchResponse.getData();
com.elevenpaths.latch.Error error = latchResponse.getError();