Algae is an application template for Google App Engine
Algae is designed to get you up to speed and running on Google App Engine in less than 3 minutes and 42 seconds. Guaranteed or your money back.
Algae integrates de facto industry standards (like Twitter Bootstrap and HTML5 Boilerplate) with features every web app needs (like user management and third-party authentication). It's flexible, functional, and easy to use.
Here is what you get:
- HTML5 Boilerplate
- Twitter Bootstrap
- Less Stylesheets + Font Awesome
- User account framework, including:
- Twitter authentication
- Google authentication
- Facebook authentication
- Email authentication
- Others (Work in progress)
- Plain and RESTful-style API bootstrap code, including
- Auto-generation of HTML forms from GAE data models
- Seamless entity CRUD via AJAX
- jQuery form validation
- jQuery datepicker
- I18N support based on babel and pytz
- Basic testing infrastructure with Webtest
- and more..
Finally, an App Engine template you can write home about.
- It's real. See live demo
- Clone the git repo -
git clone git://
- Modify application name in
- Populate
with secrets and rename it
- For local testing make sure you have required libraries (e.g. lxml) installed
- Register your new app with Google
- Deploy
- Off you go!
By Gosh, it's on Github, so please contribute.
To sweeten the deal, first legit pull request earns you $3 (or coffee/beer in person). Three legit pull requests gets you contributor status. The author reserves the right to define legit.
Still wondering what this is all about? Contact the author
- jQuery: MIT/GPL license
- Modernizr: MIT/BSD license
- Normalize.css: Public Domain
- HTML5 Boilerplate: MIT
- simpleauth: MIT
- Twitter Bootstrap: Apache License v2.0
- Font Awesome: CC BY 3.0
- More undocumented licenses (WIP)
Everything else is licensed under MIT License.
Copyright (c) 2012. Ilya Bagrak