Crate is a ClojureScript implementation of the awesome Hiccup html templating library.
(ns myapp
(:use-macros [crate.def-macros :only [defpartial]])
(:require [crate.core :as crate]))
(crate/html [:p.woot {:id "blah"} "Hey!"])
=> <p class="woot" id="blah">Hey!</p>
(defpartial header []
[:h1 "My app!"]])
=> <header><h1>My app!</h1></header>
- The crate.core/html returns dom nodes instead of strings of html
- You can use dom nodes in element bodies like this:
(crate/html [:div (crate/raw "<span>foo</span><strong>bar</strong>")])
=> <div><span>foo</span><strong>bar</strong></div>
Copyright (C) 2011 Chris Granger
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.