k8s-elector is a minimal Kubernetes-native sidecar elector service, allowing you to perform simple leader election within your Kubernetes deployment.
Internally, it uses "k8s.io/client-go/tools/leaderelection"
to run the election.
WattIQ has forked this repository in order to keep the dependencies up to date, and build our own containers in our CI/CD system. Otherwise there should be minimal changes.
The k8s-elector is intended to be run as a sidecar to other services to provide them leader election capabilities, but it can run on its own as well. For an example, you can run just the elector containers with
$ kubectl run k8s-elector --image=vaporio/k8s-elector --replicas=3 -- -election=example
Note By default, k8s-elector tries to use a Kubernetes LeaseLock. If running a version of Kubernetes which does not support this, you can change the lock type with the
flag. (valid values: leases, endpoints, configmaps)
This will run 3 instances of the k8s-elector. You can observe their logs to verify a leader is chosen among them.
Looking through the logs for leadership is not tenable for a deployment to identify
leadership. k8s-elector exposes a basic HTTP API to provide leadership status information.
You can enable and conifgure it with the -http
$ kubectl run k8s-elector --image=vaporio/k8s-elector --replicas=3 -- -election=example -lock-type=configmaps -http=
You can look through the logs to see a leader was elected and you can verify from within the cluster that each pod reports its leadership status correctly.
/ # curl
/ # curl
/ # curl
As the above run command specified the lock type as "configmaps", you should also expect to see a ConfigMap with the same name as the election.
$ kubectl get cm
example 0 21m
For a full list of configuration options, you can run the elector with the -h
flags. These
will include both the flags for the elector itself as well as flags for configuring logging.
Usage of ./elector:
-election string
The name of the election. This is required.
-http string
The HTTP address (host:port) which leader state will be reported on.
-id string
The ID of the election participant. If not set, the hostname, as reported by the kernel, is used.
-kubeconfig string
The kubeconfig file to use. If not set, in-cluster config will be used.
-lock-type string
The type of Kubernetes object to use for the lock (leases, endpoints, configmaps) (default "leases")
-namespace string
The Kubernetes namespace to run the election in. If not set, elections will run in the default namespace. (default "default")
-ttl duration
The TTL for the election. (default 10s)
When enabled, the exposed HTTP API consists of a single endpoint at the URL root.
Method: GET
"is_leader": false,
"leader": "k8s-elector-74c54b485f-hgf9z",
"node": "k8s-elector-74c54b485f-564ht",
"timestamp": "2019-05-02T18:28:51Z"
Field | Description |
is_leader | A boolean describing whether the node being queried is the leader node. |
leader | The ID of the node which is currently the leader. |
node | The ID of the node being queried for leadership status. |
timestamp | The RFC3339-formatted UTC timestamp for when the response was returned. |