Terraform module to provision an ElastiCache
Redis Cluster
Originally forked from CloudPosse
but heavily modified; do not rebase the fork without talking to Mark Madsen. The original has interactions with Route53 DNS that we do not need or want. I also added snapshots and other variables to the module that we want.
Include this repository as a module in your existing terraform code:
module "elasticache_redis_prod_cluster" {
source = "git@github.com:ibisnetworks/terraform-aws-elasticache-redis.git"
version = "0.7.0"
name = "ibiscloud-prod-db"
enabled = "true"
namespace = "production"
name = "ibiscloud"
stage = "prod"
vpc_id = "${data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.vpc_id}"
engine_version = "3.2.10"
cluster_size = "2"
port = "6379"
subnets = "${data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.elasticache_subnets}"
availability_zones = "${data.terraform_remote_state.vpc.elasticache_subnets_azs}"
apply_immediately = "true"
security_groups = ["${data.terraform_remote_state.sg.ec_redis_sg_id}"]
instance_type = "cache.m3.large"
automatic_failover = "true"
snapshot_retention_limit = "7"
alarm_memory_threshold_bytes = "10000000"
notification_topic_arn = "${module.ec_redis_prod_sns_pagerduty.pagerduty_sns_topic_arn}"
tags = {
"Name" = "redis-prod"
"Environment" = "production"
"Cluster" = "production.infra.ibis.io"
"Terraform" = "true"