This project includes source to build an utility to:
- Extract data from SCADA historian
- Register device type, physical and logical interfaces in Watson IoT Platform service.
- Parse data to identify unique devices and register in Watson IoT Platform service.
- Transforms data and bulk upload data in Watson IoT Platform Data Lake.
You can build and install the data connector on an on-premise host system.
- OpenJDK 11+
- Commons JCS
- org.json
- JDBC driver for MySQL and IBM DB2
The connector is tested on the following operating system environment:
- Windows 10
- Windows 2016 server
- macOS Catalina
- Ubuntu 18.08
Use the following steps to deploy the data connector.
To install on host operating system:
- Get data connector source from GitHub. For details refer to the section ** Get data connector source **.
- Run installation script included in the source. For details refer to the section ** Install on Host OS **.
You need Powershell on your Windows system. Powershell installation details:
How to install Powershell on Windows?
Use powershell command to download install script from GitHub project, in a temprary directory.
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "" -OutFile ".\install.ps1"
To configure connector tasks, lauch a Command Propmt with admin priviledges and run the following commands:
% powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass .\configTask.ps1
Use one the following options to get the project source on your system:
- Use a Web browser to download zip file of the GitHub project in /tmp directory. Open a shell prompt and run the follwing commands:
$ cd /tmp
$ unzip
- Use curl command to download zip file of the GitHub project in /tmp directory
$ curl -L -o /tmp/
$ cd /tmp
$ unzip
- Use git command to clone the GitHub project
$ cd /tmp
$ git clone
To install the connector, open a shell prompt, and run the install script:
$ cd /tmp/mas-scada-bulkingest
$ ./bin/
Refer to data connector documentation for data connector configuration: