A basic SD Card SPI interface in VHDL which supports SD V1, V2 and SDHC. Addressing is by sector number (512byte blocks.) CRCs are generated and checked, and CRCs are enabled for SPI transfers.
The card interface consists of:
- Clock
- Select
And two optional signals:
- CardPresent
- WriteProt
The internal interface consists of:
- clk (in) - 50Mhz (or lower) clock. SPI clock is half of this (*)
- addr (in) - The 32bit sector address to be transfered
- sd_busy - Indicates whether the controller can accept a new command
- reset (in) - To initialise the controller
- sd_error (out) - Indicates that an error has occured during initialisation or the transfer
- sd_error_code (out) - Provides more information on the error
Reading from the card:
- rd (in) - Read trigger signal, must be asserted for the entire transfer
- dout (out) - 8bit data coming from the card
- dout_avail (out) - Indicates that data is present on dout
- dout_taken (in) - Indicates that data out has been accepted
- rd_multiple (in) - Read Multiple sectors trigger signal, assert for entire transfer
Writing to the card:
- wr (in) - Write trigger signal, must be asserted for the entire transfer
- din (in) - 8bit data to be sent to the card
- din_valid (in) - Indicates that data is present on din
- din_taken (out) - Indicates that the controller has taken the data from din
- wr_multiple (in) - Write Multiple sectors trigger signal - assert for entire transfer
- erase_count (in) - 8bit count of pre-erased sectors for Write Multiple only
Optional status signals:
- sd_type (out) - 2bit card status
- sd_fsm (out) - 8bit FSM state indication
(*) During initialisation the clock is reduced to 1/128, or about 400kHz.
Lawrence Wilkinson lawrence@ljw.me.uk 2014-09-23