This project creates an Apache Spark UDF (User Defined Function) wrapper for the CQL (Clinical Quality Language) Engine ( so we can use it in Spark.
The Spark UDF is called RunCqlLibrary: RunCqlLibrary
Clinical Quality Language is a standard for defining rules on FHIR data.
Example CQL:
library BMI001 version '1.0.0'
using FHIR version '4.0.1'
include FHIRHelpers version '4.0.1'
parameter "MeasurementPeriod" Interval<DateTime> default Interval[@2021-01-01T00:00:00, @2021-12-31T00:00:00]
valueset "BMI Over 35": ''
context Patient
/* Test inline definition */
define InDemographicInline:
[Patient] patient
where AgeInYearsAt(start of MeasurementPeriod) >= 16
and exists([Observation: "BMI Over 35"] observation
where observation.status in {'final', 'amended'}
/* Test composed definition */
define InAgeCohort:
AgeInYearsAt(start of MeasurementPeriod) >= 16
define InQualifyingObservationCohort:
exists([Observation: "BMI Over 35"] observation
where observation.status in {'final', 'amended'}
define InDemographicComposed:
and InQualifyingObservationCohort
This project requires Docker only except for debugging.
For debugging in IntelliJ IDEA:
On Mac (
One time setup of SDKMan:
sdk list java
(to see java version available)- JDK 15 is now too old to be included in sdkman, so you have to download manually:
wget -P $TMPDIR
tar -xvf $TMPDIR/openjdk-15.0.2_osx-x64_bin.tar.gz -C ~/.sdkman/candidates/java/
mv ~/.sdkman/candidates/java/jdk-15.0.2.jdk ~/.sdkman/candidates/java/15.0.2-open
sdk default java 15.0.2-open
In our tests we use http://fhir
so if you're debugging in PyCharm you need to make a hosts entry:
- Run
sudo nano /etc/hosts
and type in your admin password - Paste the following line: fhir
To run tests: make tests
To compile the jar: make buildjar
To deploy to local dev docker: make loadfhir
- Pre-requisite: you may need to install the
if not installed in your local machine,- "Installing Apache Maven" - refer to
- BEFORE building a new jar library, please make sure you increment the version number for the jar library in these files below,
- in pom.xml - for the
<groupId>com.bwell</groupId> <artifactId>bsights-engine-spark</artifactId> <version>1.0.5</version>
- in Dockerfile - for the
cli line,-
## skip running tests since it requires a fhir server RUN mvn -Dmaven.test.skip package && \ cp ./target/bsights-engine-spark-1.0.5.jar /opt/spark/jars/
- in pom.xml - for the