Processing scripts for decision-tree land use classification on WorldView-2 images.
- gdal
- pygdal
- TODO: more here
$ git clone
# TODO: more here
NOTE: if you are running this code on IMaRS's servers (eg userproc or seashell) jump directly to the IMaRS user quickstart document (./docs/
- download:
git clone
- install dependencies
- OS-level:
- Ubuntu:
- for gdal:
sudo apt istall -y python3-gdal
- for gdal:
- Ubuntu:
- remaining python packages w/
pip3 install -e .
- alternatively:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
or manually install deps listed therein.
- alternatively:
- OS-level:
Test data is stored internally at IMaRS and mounted at /srv/imars-objects/homes/common/wv2-processing/test_data/
To run tests you should create a symlink from there to a dir named test_data
in this project root ln -s /srv/imars-objects/homes/common/wv2-processing/test_data/ test_data
Alternatively, you may download a version of these files from google drive here if you have been granted the appropriate permissions.
These files are restricted to IMaRS and collaborators; please do not share them in any form.
Once the file is downloaded you must extract this file to wv2-processing/test_data/
TODO: add PGC's files here & merge directories.
Python tests herein are generally orchestrated by pytest and live alongside the code they are testing with the suffix _test
Note that comparing hashes on output files doesn't work well b/c of variations in the script and floating point errors so the tests are not very robust; they mostly just check things run without throwing exception. For much of my testing I had to resort to opening the geotiffs with QGIS and confirming that they look right.
Processing is broken into a few steps.
Below are examples of how each step might be run.
, and other variables below must be set (eg INPUT_DIR=/home/tylar/wv_proc/my_input_files
create resampled tifs using pgc_ortho:
python ./ -p 4326 -c ns -t UInt16 -f GTiff --no-pyramids $INPUT_DIR $ORTHO_OUTPUT_DIR
run the wv_classify script on the resampled tifs
- python
- python
use gdal or similar tools to mosaic multiple outputs together
- see this gist
-p = projection (4326 is the EPSG code for WGS geographic projection)
-c = stretch (ns means "no stretch")
-t = output bit depth
-f = file format
--no-pyramids = prevents the code from creating pyramids in the output GeoTIFF
$INPUT_DIR = directory for NITF staging/input
$ORTHO_OUTPUT_DIR' = directory for output of pgc_ortho code as GeoTIFF
'$ORTH_FILE = [this variable is outdated and should be deleted]
$ID = image file name
$MET = metadata file
$CRD = coordinate system (e.g. EPSG 4326)
$DT = input variable for whether to run the decision tree (DT = 2) or to just run Rrs conversion (DT = 0)
$SGW = [this variable is outdated and should be deleted]
$FILT = input variable indicating the size of the moving window filter (1 = 3x2, 2 = 5x5, etc.)
$STAT = [this variable is outdated and should be deleted]
$LOC = string identifier (e.g. "NSF_Texas")
$ID_N = identifier based on the file number being run
$RRS_OUT = directory for output of Rrs GeoTIFFs
$CLASS_OUT = directory for output of mapped GeoTIFFs
More usage details in the ./docs
- IMaRS local systems use: docs/
- SLURM : docs/
- Airflow: docs/