An anticheat / utility for Bedrock Dedicated Servers using BDSX to help against rule breakers and hackers that use hack clients such as toolbox, horion, zephyr etc.
This is a paid plugin and future updates/patches are guaranteed. DM me on discord if interested: iceraven#8582
Lightweight and optimized plugin. Causes no lag to your server
Anti-hackclient (Disconnects player if they are using toolbox hack client)
Block give item hacks
Block NBT hacks
Block Enchant hacks
Anti-spam (Chat cooldown, message similarity check)
Chat-censor (ban words)
Spawn Protection (block break/place/use/interact/drop/pickup/pvp/damage in configurable radius of spawn)
Check inventory command (view contents of a player's inventory including enchants)
Username Character Length Limiter
Anti-illegal-enchants (if enabled, Clears existing items over vanilla Enchant limits)
Block spawn XP orb hacks
Block name changer/namespoof
Ban items/blocks
Anti-commandblock (Prevents non-operators from using/accessing command blocks)
Force minecraft versions (Optionally only allow specific minecraft versions to join. Useful for enforcing hotfixes/patches)
Timed bans and ban IP with GUI (/ban, /unban, /banlist)
Timed mutes with GUI (/mute, /unmute, /mutelist)
Player reports (/report)
Optional chat based commands (like !ban or -ban for servers with allow-cheats=false)
Log to discord (Detections/moderations/Joins/leaves/Chat/Whispers)
Anti-@a-@e (Stop non-operators from using @a @e tags in whispers causing spam/crash)
All features and messages configurable from configuration files.
Test server with this installed:
Port: 19132