This movie app provides movies/ TV shows data for any searched movie/ TV shows.
A solo project executed in 1 day.No External Libraries has been used.
- Deployed Link:- Enjoy the App
- CSS3
- TMDB API - for getting daily high rated movies/ TV shows and searched results as per movie/ TV shows name.
- On loading, fetches results of all high rated movies/ TV shows of that current day, results changes dynamically as per day/rate fetched data.
- Debouncing on search bar with key-press trigger delay of 200ms.
- Search results are fetched from movie/ TV show name with options as to show only high rated, non-parental data.
- Appropriate Error banner is displayed for non-avaliability of a movie/ TV shows.
- Appropriate image is displayed for non-avaliability of a movie/ TV shows on search bar container/ body .
- Making search bar in sync with key-press events and mouse-click events.
- TMDB API is integrated in such a way that it fetch results for a daily limit of 50k with a clear status.
- It won't be matter of concern for the API in how many simultaneous calls with different endpoints were made.
- Alignment of movie container card on search result container/ on main body is done as per using flex properties.
UI on Loading
Searched Results UI
Error Page