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Exploit, Malware and Vulnerability Scoring Application


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Cyber Issue Scoring for Exploit, Malware, and Vulnerability (EMV)

Version 0.0.1

EMV was presented at BSides Idaho ( on October 23, 2020. A video recording of the presentation is found below.

STIG Video

Exploit, Malware and Vulnerability (EMV) is a tool used for scoring cyber issue against various hardware configurations and compare that score against other scored issues for prioritization and trending over time.

See the EMV Innovation Sheet for an overview.

There are a large number of potential exploits, malware, and vulnerabilities (EMV) that can be used to attack control systems on critical infrastructure. Exploits and malware represent the offense aspects and vulnerabilities represent the maintenance aspects of the challenge. Successfully protecting a control system against these attacks requires a structured process for identifying, evaluating, prioritizing, and addressing EMVs. EMV Scoring is needed since other scoring methodologies do not include: Exploits and Malware; applicability to a specific configuration; defense capabilities; consequence; or other adversary factors. A benefit of processing through the EMV Scoring process is the identification of potential threat object characteristics that can be used for automated response.

Idaho National Laboratory (INL) participated as a team member with Southern California Edison on the California Energy Systems for the 21st Century (CES-21) Program and has refined these concepts with the asset owner's point of view to prioritize EMV based on their operational knowledge of the system under protection, sometimes with a limited knowledge of the adversary, but a full understanding of the utilities' ability to defend against potential consequences including the consideration of the asset owner's risk tolerances. This EMV prioritization enables a scored ranking of issues to be addressed. CES-21 uses EMV to determine the creation of indicator and remediation language in automated response technologies, providing for agile response capabilities within substation automation environments.


Select an operating system for installation instructions. Newer versions may be available but have not been tested.

Linux .deb (Ubuntu 16.04.5)

Linux .rpm (Centos 7)

Windows 7 64 bit

Mac OS X (Mojave)

Linux .deb (Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS)

Update and Install Dependencies

Open a terminal and run the following commands to update the system and install dependencies:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install curl build-essential checkinstall libssl-dev git

Install nvm

Install nvm repository using the following:

curl -o- | bash

Close and re-open the terminal. Run the following command to view available nvm versions: nvm ls-remote

Install the latest version of node (14.3.0 was the latest at the time of this writing):

nvm install 14.3.0

Install yarn

Install the yarn package manager. In a terminal window, issue the following commands:

curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -

echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

sudo apt update && sudo apt install yarn

Install Java

Install Java for OrientDB (11.0.7 at the time of this reading):

sudo apt install default-jre

Install OrientDB and Configure as a Service

The CIS Application has been tested using OrientDB v3.0.31. New versions may be available, but have not been tested. Download version 3.0.31 by issuing the following command in a terminal window.

wget -O orientdb-community-3.0.31.tar.gz

Navigate to the tar file and extract the files. This assumes the downloaded file is in the Downloads folder. In a terminal:

cd ~/Downloads
tar -zxvf orientdb-community-3.0.31.tar.gz

Move the extracted files to the /opt directory. sudo mv ~/orientdb-community-3.2.31 /opt/orientdb

Start the OrientDB server.

cd /opt/orientdb
sudo bin/

You will be prompted to create a password for the root user. Use "OrientPW". If you chose something else previously, then modify line 205 in the following file: src/app.tsx

Configure OrientDB to run as a Service. Open a new terminal window and issue the command:

sudo useradd -r orientdb -s /sbin/nologin

Change the ownership of OrientDB

sudo chown -R orientdb:orientdb /opt/orientdb

You will need to make a few changes to the script

sudo nano /opt/orientdb/bin/

Change the directory and user as follows:


Save and close the file (ctrl-x then y).

Copy the Systemd service sudo cp /opt/orientdb/bin/orientdb.service /etc/systemd/system

You will need to make settings changes as follows: sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/orientdb.service

Modify the User, Group, and ExecStart commands


Save and close the file (ctrl-x then y).

Reload the daemon sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Start the Service

sudo systemctl start orientdb

Enable the service to start on boot sudo systemctl enable orientdb

Extract EMV Application files

Download EMV from git: git clone

Navigate to the EMV folder, run the following:

npm install
npm start

npm install is only needed the first time the CIS application is run to install dependencies, or if you update a dependency.

NOTE: Some linux distributions have a problem with npm install. In this case, use yarn install and yarn start.

Login to the EMV Application using the username: admin and password: admin

NOTE: The OrientDB service needs to be running for the CIS application to connect to the database.

(Optional): Build and Executable

Open a terminal and navigate to the EMV directory. Run the following: ==UPDATE==

yarn make

The package(s) for your platform will be found in "out/make". The binary can be found in "out/EMV-{platform}/EMV".

Linux .rpm (Centos 7)

Install Dependencies

Open a terminal and run the following commands to update the system and install dependencies:

sudo yum install update
sudo yum install git libXScrnSaver

Install nvm

Install nvm repository using the following:

curl -o- | bash

Close and re-open the terminal. Check the nvm version to make sure the install worked.

nvm --version

Run the following command to view available nvm versions:

nvm ls-remote

Install the latest LTS version by running the following (8.12.0 was the latest at the time of this writing):

nvm install 8.12.0

Install yarn

Install the yarn package manager. In a terminal window, issue the following commands:

curl --silent --location | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo

curl --silent --location | sudo bash -
sudo yum install yarn

Check the version of yarn to verify the installed yarn --version

Set Java Environment Variables

Configure the java environment. update-alternatives --config java

Create a java profile '' in the /etc/profile.d/ directory. sudo vim /etc/profile.d/

Enter the following to configure java:

#Setting JAVA_HOME in PATH
export JAVA_HOME
export PATH

Make the file executable.

sudo chmod +x /etc/profile.d/
source /etc/profile.d/

Check the java environment to verify the PATH setting. echo $JAVA_HOME

Install OrientDB and Configure as a Service

The CIS Application has been tested using OrientDB v2.2.20. New versions may be available, but have not been tested. Download OrientDB by issuing the following command in a terminal:

wget -O orientdb-community-2.2.20.tar.gz

Untar the downloaded file: tar -zxvf orientdb-community-2.2.20.tar.gz

Move the extracted files to the /opt directory. sudo mv ~/orientdb-community-2.2.20 /opt/orientdb

Start the OrientDB server. NOTE: use the following for the username and password: root/OrientPW

cd /opt/orientdb
sudo bin/

You will be asked to create a password for the root user. Use "OrientPW". ==Need to include additional instructions to create unique password==

Configure OrientDB to run as a Service

Open a new terminal window

sudo useradd -r orientdb -s /sbin/nologin

Change the ownership of OrientDB

sudo chown -R orientdb:orientdb /opt/orientdb

Make a few changes to the script

sudo nano /opt/orientdb/bin/

Change the directory and user as follows:


Save and close the file.

Copy the Systemd service

sudo cp /opt/orientdb/bin/orientdb.service /etc/systemd/system

Make settings changes as follows:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/orientdb.service

Modify the User, Group, and ExecStart commands


Reload the daemon

sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Start the Service

sudo systemctl start orientdb

Enable the service to start on boot

sudo systemctl enable orientdb

Extract EMV Application files

Download the EMV.tar.gz archive to your machine. ==Need to update with actual link to download file==

Navigate to the tar file and extract the files. This assumes the downloaded file is in the Downloads folder. In a terminal:

cd ~/Downloads
tar -zxvf EMV.tar.gz

Navigate to the EMV folder, run the following:

npm install
npm start

npm install is only needed the first time the CIS application is run to install dependencies, or if you update a dependency.

NOTE: Some linux distributions have a problem with npm install. In this case, use yarn install and yarn start.

Login to the EMV Application using the username: admin and password: admin

NOTE: The OrientDB service needs to be running for the EMV application to connect to the database.

(Optional): Build and Executable

Open a terminal and navigate to the EMV directory. Run the following: ==UPDATE==

yarn make

The package(s) for your platform will be found in "out/make". The binary can be found in "out/EMV-{platform}/EMV".

Windows 7 64-bit

Install Git

Download and run the git installer from here:

Install node.js

Download the run node.js installer from here:

Update npm to avoid issues with dependencies. Open Command Prompt and run the following command:

npm i npm@latest -g

Install yarn

Download and run the yarn installer from here:

Install Java

Download and run the Java8 JDK installer from here:

Install OrientDB

The EMV Application has been tested using OrientDB v2.2.20. New versions may be available, but have not been fully tested.

Download orientdb-community-2.2.20 from:

Extract the .zip file to the C: drive. Navigate to c:\orientdb-community-2.2.20\bin

Run orientdb.bat

You will be asked to create a password for the root user. Use "OrientPW". ==Need to include additional instructions to create unique password==

Configure Orientdb as a service

Follow the instructions at to install OrientDB as a service.

Extract EMV Application files

Copy the EMV.tar.gz archive to your machine and unarchive to c:\.

NOTE: Run the unarchiving tool as administrator.

Open a command prompt as Administrator and navigate to the EMV folder, run the following:

yarn install
yarn start

NOTE: yarn install is only needed the first time the CIS application is run to install dependencies, or if you update a dependency.

Login to the EMV Application using the username: admin and password: admin

NOTE: The OrientDB service needs to be running for the EMV application to connect to the database.

(Optional): Build and Executable

Open a terminal and navigate to the EMV directory. Run the following: ==UPDATE==

yarn make

The package(s) for your platform will be found in "out/make". The binary can be found in "out/EMV-{platform}/EMV".

Mac OS X (Mojave)

Install Homebrew

Install Homebrew from

Install Dependencies

Open a terminal window and issue the following commands:

brew install wget
brew install node
brew install yarn --without-node
brew upgrade yarn

Verify that git is installed by running the following command:

git --version

NOTE: If git is not installed, you will be prompted to install it.

Install Java 8 JDK

Download and run the the Mac OS X x64 installer from

Install OrientDB

Follow the instructions at to install OrientDB using homebrew and to change a root password. User OrientPW for the new root password. ==need instructions on how to select unique password==

Extract EMV Application files

Download the EMV.tar.gz archive to your machine. ==Need to update with actual link to download file==

Navigate to the tar file and extract the files. This assumes the downloaded file is in the Downloads folder. In a terminal:

cd ~/Downloads
tar -zxvf EMV.tar.gz

Navigate to the EMV folder, run the following:

yarn install
yarn start

yarn install is only needed the first time the CIS application is run to install dependencies, or if you update a dependency.

NOTE: Some distributions have a problem with yarn install. In this case, use npm install and npm start.

Login to the EMV Application using the username: admin and password: admin

NOTE: The OrientDB service needs to be running for the EMV application to connect to the database.

(Optional): Build and Executable

Open a terminal and navigate to the EMV directory. Run the following: ==UPDATE==

yarn make

The package(s) for your platform will be found in "out/make". The binary can be found in "out/EMV-{platform}/EMV".

Advanced Customization

For instructions on editing the criteria set or configurations see

Encrypting Communication

Please follow the instructions provided: You will also have to change any connections to the server from port 2424 to 2434.

NOTE: Some machine's might experience issues with a self signed certificate, to which you can add a line: process.env.NODE_TLS_REJECT_UNAUTHORIZED = '0';. This fix is fairly unsecure (as it opens up the application to untrusted sources), should be temporary and extended to something more secure.

Known Issues

  • NPM might have outdated packages. This application was built with static versions from npm. If a package is updated, it has the potential to cause issues.
  • This application was designed around a single-user system.
  • It is assumed that the OrientDB database and EMV application will reside on the same machine. Security concerns exist if the database is moved to another machine as the communication between electron-forge and orientdb is unencrypted.1


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


See and for copyright and licensing information.


Exploit, Malware and Vulnerability Scoring Application







No packages published

Contributors 4
