before I go to my vacation they ask me if can send API to some web system because it was a lot of devices to send and my pc was not have powershell (not web pack) and not python so i develop "cmd as Multiprocessing" using curl.exe
what i did is send curl using cmd to the background and control how much "processing" i want running in the same time this was "creative" way to do it fast and finish the job and go to my vacation
to do it first all i cerate cmd the contains the bin of curl and what need he do
for example:
@ECHO off
curl.exe %1
timeout /T 1
why %1 ?
because i need send value as var to the background
after you save your first cmd script lets give it a name "demo.bat" and now we cerate the "main" cmd part
for this you need first all write "while read \ for i "
for example :
for /f "tokens=1 delims=" %%i in (list.txt) do call :part1 %%i
goto :fin
what is do ?
he take the list that contains the url\device what you need
and read every line until the end of the file
on this part
TASKLIST | find /c "cmd" >count.txt
set /p ch=<count.txt
set str1=%ch%
set /A fh=%str1%-1
IF %fh% GEQ 10 goto :wait
if he see have 10 cmd running he will go to "wait" and three i have sleep for 2 sec and check again
if not again he go to sleep 2 sec until i go down from 10 cmd if 1 will close the script will adding 1 more to keep all time 10 cmd runnig
START /B CMD /C CALL "demo.bat" %1 >NUL 2>&1
goto :eof
this line send the "demo.bat " to the background and keep do it until end of the file
timeout /T 2
goto :part2
block to send the script if you have 10 cmd running and back again to loop
echo done
last part is the "finish" to send the loop after reach to end of file.
you have full demo "POC"with ping you can download and play
in the bottom line instead to do one by one "http POST" and wait until the request finish (and go to the 2\3\4\5\ ...line) i send 10 requests in the same time and keep send it until i finish the file .
for example
if i was need send 100 http and lets say every request take 5 sec to finish (consider timeout) he will take long time
in my way like "multi threads" i send 10 http in the same time and if one of the 10 have timeout or take long time the others will runnnig and will finish (than i will adding more acording to the slot to keep 10 http request until end of the file )
and one note
I know English here is not perfect. But I'm dyslexic and it's part of my unique thinking :)