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A sound synthesis framework for Python, designed for clear and concise expression of musical ideas


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SignalFlow is a sound synthesis framework designed for clear and concise expression of complex musical ideas. It has an extensive Python API, for fluid audio experimentation in iPython/Jupyter, with its core written in portable, hardware-accelerated C++11.

SignalFlow is in beta status. Interfaces may be subject to change.


from signalflow import *

# An AudioGraph is made up of a network of interconnected Nodes, which generate
# and process audio. 
graph = AudioGraph()

# Passing an array of frequencies creates a stereo output.
sine = SineOscillator([440, 880])

# Simple attack/sustain/release envelope with linear curves.
env = ASREnvelope(0.01, 0.1, 0.5)

# Use standard arithmetic operations to combine signals. When a multi-channel 
# signal is multiplied by a mono signal, the mono signal is auto-upmixed.
output = sine * env

# Connect the output to the graph, and begin playback.


SignalFlow requires Python 3.8 or above, and supports macOS, Linux (x86_64), Raspberry Pi (3+), and Windows (64-bit).

In a nutshell, SignalFlow can be installed with pip: pip3 install signalflow.

For a complete walkthrough on setting up your system with Python and SignalFlow, see Installing SignalFlow.


Several example scripts are provided in examples.

To download the examples folder:

import signalflow_examples


In-depth documentation, including a reference guide to each of the Node classes, can be found at

Node class library

The following Node classes are currently included with the base distribution:

Category Classes
Analysis CrossCorrelate, NearestNeighbour, OnsetDetector, VampAnalysis
Buffer BeatCutter, BufferLooper, BufferPlayer, BufferRecorder, FeedbackBufferReader, FeedbackBufferWriter, HistoryBufferWriter, SegmentPlayer
Buffer: Granulation SegmentedGranulator, Granulator
Control MouseX, MouseY, MouseDown
Envelope Accumulator, ADSREnvelope, ASREnvelope, DetectSilence, Envelope, Line, RectangularEnvelope
FFT FFTContinuousPhaseVocoder, FFTConvolve, FFTBufferPlayer, FFTContrast, FFTCrossFade, FFTLFO, FFTMagnitudePhaseArray, FFTRandomPhase, FFTScaleMagnitudes, FFTTransform, FFT, FFTNode, FFTOpNode, FFTFindPeaks, IFFT, FFTLPF, FFTNoiseGate, FFTPhaseVocoder, FFTTonality, FFTZeroPhase
Operators Add, AmplitudeToDecibels, DecibelsToAmplitude, Bus, ChannelArray, ChannelCrossfade, ChannelMixer, ChannelOffset, ChannelSelect, Equal, NotEqual, GreaterThan, GreaterThanOrEqual, LessThan, LessThanOrEqual, Modulo, Abs, If, Divide, FrequencyToMidiNote, MidiNoteToFrequency, Multiply, Pow, RoundToScale, Round, ScaleLinExp, ScaleLinLin, SelectInput, Subtract, Sum, TimeShift, Sin, Cos, Tan, Tanh
Oscillators Constant, Impulse, LFO, SawLFO, SawOscillator, SineLFO, SineOscillator, SquareLFO, SquareOscillator, TriangleLFO, TriangleOscillator, Wavetable, Wavetable2D
Processors Clip, Fold, Smooth, WetDry, Wrap
Processors: Delays AllpassDelay, CombDelay, OneTapDelay, Stutter
Processors: Distortion Resample, SampleAndHold, Squiz, WaveShaper
Processors: Dynamics Compressor, Gate, Maximiser, RMS
Processors: Filters BiquadFilter, DCFilter, EQ, MoogVCF, SVFilter
Processors: Panning AzimuthPanner, ChannelPanner, SpatialPanner, StereoBalance, StereoPanner, StereoWidth
Sequencing ClockDivider, Counter, Euclidean, FlipFlop, ImpulseSequence, Index, Latch, Sequence, TriggerMult, TriggerRoundRobin
Stochastic Logistic, PinkNoise, RandomBrownian, RandomChoice, RandomCoin, RandomExponentialDist, RandomExponential, RandomGaussian, RandomImpulseSequence, RandomImpulse, RandomUniform, StochasticNode, WhiteNoise


Thanks to the following contributors:

  • Greg White (@gregwht): Examples, documentation and testing
  • Arthur Carabott (@acarabott), Tim Murray-Browne (@timmb): Windows support
  • Dan Stowell (@danstowell): Build improvements
  • Marc Fargas (@telenieko): Generous donation of the signalflow pypi namespace
  • Ed Gillett: Generous donation of Linux build machine
  • Sid Gudka: Generous donation of Windows build machine


Thanks to the following supporters and sponsors:


Use of the SignalFlow library with a Python interpreter, script or notebook is licensed under the free and permissive MIT License.

Use of SignalFlow or its components outside of a Python environment (for example, embedded within a binary object) is subject to a separate agreement. Please contact the author to discuss.


A sound synthesis framework for Python, designed for clear and concise expression of musical ideas




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