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Downloading the bot on Windows

IdiNium edited this page Aug 2, 2023 · 15 revisions

This page will go through how to download the bot and other required tools on Windows. If you just want to get it done check out the Short version at the bottom.

Downloading and installing the required programs


The way you download the bot is by using Git. Git is a distributed version-control system for tracking changes in source code during software development (

It is highly recommended to use git because it makes it much easier to install and stay up to date with the latest improvements.

Download Git from


NodeJS is required to run the bot.

Download the LTS version from

Downloading the bot

Now that you have all the required programs installed we can start with downloading the bot itself.

We will install the bot on the Desktop as an example. To get started open a command prompt by typing cmd in your windows search bar.

Now you will type some commands into your command prompt.

cd Desktop to navigate to the Desktop.

git clone --branch master to clone the repository and choose the master branch. The master branch contains released code and is considered to be stable.

Once it has been cloned a new folder will be made called tf2autobot.

cd tf2autobot

Installing TypeScript

The bot is made with TypeScript. This means that you need to compile the source code to be able to run it.

npm install typescript@latest -g will install TypeScript.

Installing modules

When the bot has been downloaded you need to install the modules. Do this by navigating to the tf2autobot folder with the command prompt or a terminal and using the command npm install.

Compiling source

If you already have installed TypeScript, then npm run build will compile the code. If you haven't then see Installing TypeScript.

Compile the source using npm run build

The compiled code will now be inside a folder called dist.

Short version

Download and install Git from

Download and install NodeJS from

Next up open a command prompt by typing cmd in your windows search bar.

Now type in the following commands:

cd Desktop

git clone

cd tf2autobot

npm install typescript@latest -g

npm install --no-audit

npm run build

All done?

Then the next step will be to configure your bot.

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