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IDnow Video Ident iOS SDK + Sample App


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  • Xcode 14.3 or above for Swift Package Manager (SPM)
  • Cocoapods installed v1.11.2 or above (Note: Xcode 15 requires Cocoapods v1.13.0 or above)
  • Device with WiFi/3G/LTE

Supported Versions

The minimum SDK version required for publishing to the App Store is now 8.0.1, following the introduction of Apple's Privacy Manifest. The SDK is compiled with Xcode 15.4, which is recommended for optimal compatibility and performance.

Compatibility, End of Support, End of Life

Please refer to the following link to find information about compatibility, end-of-support (EOS) and end-of-life (EOL) dates pertaining to our products: IDnow Compatibility Matrix: Browser & OS Compatibility guide



Watch the video

  • Add the following config and pod dependencies to your podfile:
pod 'IDnowSDK'
  • Then run the following command from the project's root folder in the terminal:
pod install

Note: When integrating VideoIdent SDK into your project, please ensure you have the -ObjC flag in your project's Other Linker Flags. This can be done by:

  1. Opening your project in Xcode
  2. Navigating to the project settings
  3. Selecting your application target
  4. Going to the Build Settings tab
  5. Searching for Other Linker Flags
  6. Adding -ObjC to the list of flags


Watch the video

Static XCFramework

  • Download idnow_vi_static.xcframework-<version>.tar.gz from here.
  • Import idnow_vi_static.xcframework into your Xcode project.
  • Add the following to your project's Link binary with libraries section.

Note: To get the sample projects to work, you have to run pod install to install dependencies.

Dynamic XCFramework

  • Download the current release from here.
  • Import the idnow_vi.xcframework folder into your project.
  • Add idnow_vi.xcframework to Embed Frameworks step of your Xcode project as required.

Swift Package Manager (SPM) 📦

Since the release of VideoIdent SDK v7.4.1, we now support Swift Package Manager (SPM) by providing a dynamic XCFramework as a package product. For instructions on how to add the Swift package to your project, please refer to the following documentation.

  • Add swift package: as dependency swift_package_manager_choose
  • Follow the regular setup described in the Usage section.
  • Reference spm example project

Note: This is only available for Xcode 14.3 or above.


After adding the IDnowSDK into your project you need to follow these steps in order to setart an identification process.

Step 1: Import the SDK module into your source code.


import IDnowSDK

Objective C

#import "IDNowSDK.h"

Step 2: Configure the appearance of the SDK. Detailed description of possible values can be found here.


let appearance = IDnowAppearance.shared()
// Adjust colors
appearance.defaultTextColor =
appearance.primaryBrandColor =
appearance.proceedButtonBackgroundColor =
appearance.checkIconColor =
appearance.primaryAlertActionColor =

// Adjust fonts
appearance.fontNameRegular = "AmericanTypewriter"
appearance.fontNameLight = "AmericanTypewriter-Light"
appearance.fontNameMedium = "AmericanTypewriter-CondensedBold"

// To adjust navigation bar / bar button items etc. you should follow Apples UIAppearance protocol.

Objective C

// Setup IDnowAppearance
IDnowAppearance *appearance = [IDnowAppearance sharedAppearance];
// Adjust colors
appearance.defaultTextColor = [UIColor blackColor];
appearance.primaryBrandColor = [UIColor blueColor];
appearance.proceedButtonBackgroundColor = [UIColor orangeColor];
appearance.checkIconColor = [UIColor redColor];
appearance.primaryAlertActionColor = [UIColor greenColor];
// Adjust fonts
appearance.fontNameRegular = @"AmericanTypewriter";
appearance.fontNameLight = @"AmericanTypewriter-Light";
appearance.fontNameMedium = @"AmericanTypewriter-CondensedBold";

// To adjust navigation bar / bar button items etc. you should follow Apples UIAppearance protocol.

Step 3: Instantiate the IDnowSettings with your companyId and the transactionToken obtained from the user. The complete list of settings can be found here.


let settings = IDnowSettings(companyID: "example_comp", transactionToken: "DEV-EXMPL") 

Objective C

IDnowSettings *settings = [IDnowSettings settingsWithCompanyID:@"example_comp" transactionToken:@"DEV-EXMPL"];

Step 4: Initialize and start the identification controller


let idnowController = IDnowController.init(settings: settings)
self.controller.initialize(completionBlock: {(success, error, canceledByUser) -> Void in
    if (error != nil) {
        // Handle initialization error - display an alert
    if (canceledByUser) {
        // Identification was cancelled by user
    // Otherwise display the identification flow to the user  
    self.controller.startIdentification(from: ViewUtils.rootController(), withCompletionBlock: {(success, error, canceledByUser) -> Void in
        if (error != nil) {
            // Hnadle an identification error
        if (canceledByUser) {
            // The ident process was cancelled by the user
        // Identidication was successful, proceed to the next steps in your app flow

Objective C

// Initialize and start identification
IDnowController *idnowController = [[IDnowController alloc] initWithSettings: settings];

// Initialize identification using blocks
[idnowController initializeWithCompletionBlock: ^(BOOL success, NSError *error, BOOL canceledByUser)
        if ( success )
              // Start identification using blocks
              [idnowController startIdentificationFromViewController: self 
              withCompletionBlock: ^(BOOL success, NSError *error, BOOL canceledByUser)
                      if ( success )
                          // identification was successfull
                          // identification failed / canceled
        else if ( error )
              // Present an alert containing localized error description
              UIAlertController *alertController = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle: @"Error" 
              message: error.localizedDescription 
              preferredStyle: UIAlertControllerStyleAlert];
              UIAlertAction *action = [UIAlertAction actionWithTitle: @"Ok" 
              style: UIAlertActionStyleCancel 
              handler: nil];
              [alertController addAction: action];
              [self presentViewController: alertController animated: true completion: nil];

Alternatively, instead of handling the events via the callbacks you can implement the IDnowControllerDelegate and pass it as a delegate to the IDnowViewController.

The protocol is as follows:

 *  Notifies the delegate
 *  about the success or failure of an initialization or identification.
@protocol IDnowControllerDelegate

 *  Sent to the delegate when an initialization (e.g. triggered by [IDnowController initialize]) was successfull.
 *  @param idnowController The responsible caller.
- (void) idnowControllerDidFinishInitializing: (IDnowController *) idnowController;

 *  Sent to the delegate when an initialization (e.g. triggered by [IDnowController initialize]) failed.
 *  @param idnowController The responsible caller.
 *  @param error The error that occurred
- (void) idnowController: (IDnowController *) idnowController initializationDidFailWithError: (NSError *) error;


 *  Sent to the delegate when an identification (e.g. triggered by [IDnowController startIdentificationFromViewController:]) was successfull.
 *  @param idnowController The responsible caller.
- (void) idnowControllerDidFinishIdentification: (IDnowController *) idnowController;

 *  Sent to the delegate when an identification (e.g. triggered by [IDnowController startIdentificationFromViewController:]) was canceled by the user.
 *  @param idnowController The responsible caller.
- (void) idnowControllerCanceledByUser: (IDnowController *) idnowController;

 *  Sent to the delegate when an identification
 *  (e.g. triggered by [IDnowController startIdentificationFromViewController:]) failed.
 *  @param idnowController The responsible caller.
 *  @param error The error that occurred.
- (void) idnowController: (IDnowController *) idnowController identificationDidFailWithError: (NSError *) error;


In that case, you can setup the flow like this:


let idnowController = IDnowController.init(settings: settings)
indowController.delegate = self // Conforms to IDnowControllerDelegate

Objective C

IDnowController *idnowController = [[IDnowController alloc] initWithSettings: settings];
indowController.delegate = self; // Conforms to IDnowControllerDelegate
[idnowController initialize];


Before initializing the identification process at least a transactionToken and a companyID have to be set in the IDnowSettings. Below is an example of setting a field in the IDnowSettings


let settings = IDnowSettings() 
settings.transactionToken = ident

Objective C

IDnowSettings *settings = [[IDnowSettings alloc] init];
settings.transactionToken = validatedToken;
Property name Description
transactionToken A token that will be used for instantiating a video identification.
companyID Your Company ID provided by IDnow.
environment Optional: The environment that should be used for the identification (DEV, TEST, LIVE) The default value isIDnowEnvironmentNotDefined. The used environment will then base on the prefix of the transaction token (DEV -> DEV, TST -> Test, else -> Live). You can use the special IDnowEnvironmentCustom to define a custom IDnow installation. If this is done, you need to set the apiHost and websocketHost.
showErrorSuccessScreen Optional: If set to false, the Error-Success-Screen provided by the SDK will not be displayed.
The default value of this property is true.
showVideoOverviewCheck Optional: If set to false, the Terms and Conditions screen will not be shown before starting a video identification.
The default value of this property is true.
forceModalPresentation Optional: If set totrue, the UI for the identification will always be displayed modal. By default the value of this property is false and the identification UI will be pushed on an existing navigation controller if possible.
apiHost The target server url for REST calls if custom server is used.
websocketHost The target server url for websocket calls if custom server is used.
connectionType The connection type to use to talk the backend.IDnowConnectionType
Possible values:
- IDnowConnectionTypeWebsocket (default)
- IDnowConnectionTypeLongPolling
certificateProvider Accepts a subclass ofIDnowCertificateProvider. Used to provide custom mTLS certificates used by the network connections. See Custom certificate providres.
dtlsCertificateProvider Accepts a subclass ofIDnowDtlsCertificateProvider. Used to provide custom DTLS certificates used by the WebRTC connection. See Custom certificate providres.

Custom Certificate Providers


For custom DTLS certificates use dtlsCertificateProvider parameter of IDnowSettings.

The certificate provider can be used to provide a custom DTLS certificate (featureCertificate == YES) and/or to check the SHA fingerprint of the server certificate (featureFingerprint == YES).


For custom mTLS certificates use certificateProvider parameter of IDnowSettings.

Starting from SDK version 6.5.0 we offer mTLS support for API connections.

mTLS enables server/client certificate validation. SDK can provide custom client certificate and several server certificates.

What has changed:

  • Certificate provider now can validate multiple server certificates/fingerprints
  • REST supports mTLS
  • WebSocket support for mTLS. For this purpose, SRWebsocket implementation was slightly updated. So, now we have a local version of SRWebsocket.

To enable mTLS, it should be available in the customer backend configuration, and client (consumer) should supply certificate provider to the SDK.

Certificate Generation:

Client certificate and private key pair can be generated in a number of ways, for example, with Certificate Sign Request on Mac OS X Keychain.

Client Certificates:

For iOS, key pair can be imported by platform tools from p12 package format. For example:

+ (SecIdentityRef)loadIdentityFromP12:(NSData *)p12Data password:(NSString *)password {
    const void *keys[] = { kSecImportExportPassphrase };
    const void *values[] = { (__bridge CFStringRef)password };
    CFDictionaryRef optionsDictionary = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL, keys, values, 1, NULL, NULL);
    CFArrayRef p12Items;
    OSStatus status = SecPKCS12Import((__bridge CFDataRef) p12Data, optionsDictionary, &p12Items);
    if (status != errSecSuccess) {
        return NULL;
    CFDictionaryRef identityDict = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(p12Items, 0);
    SecIdentityRef identityApp = (SecIdentityRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(identityDict, kSecImportItemIdentity);
    return identityApp;

How to do it:

1 - Create subclass of IDnowCertificateProvider similar to IDNMyMtlsCertificateProvider

2 - During the SDK configuration step set the certificate provider:

[IDnowSettings sharedSettings].certificateProvider = [[IDNMyMtlsCertificateProvider alloc] init];
let settings = IDnowSettings() 
settings.certificateProvider = IDNMyMtlsCertificateProvider()

Feature flags for certificate provider allow usage of the corresponding features:

- (BOOL)featureCertificate;  // use client certificate
- (BOOL)featureFingerPrint;  // use server certificate fingerprints
- (BOOL)featureServerCert;   // use server certificates

You can check the certificate provider + certificates here.



Property name Description Appearance
defaultTextColor Optional color that replaces the default text color.
Default: #000000 #000000
Recommendation: Should be some kind of a dark color that does not collide with light color.
secondaryTextColor Optional color that replaces the secondary text color.
Default: #000000 #000000
Recommendation: Should be some kind of a dark color that does not collide with light color.
primaryBrandColor Optional color that replaces the default brand color.
Default: #F95602 #F95602
Used in buttons, labels, links etc.
Recommendation: Should be a color that does not collide with light color.
proceedButtonBackgroundColor Optional color that replaces the proceed button background color.
Default: primaryBrandColor
proceedButtonTextColor Optional color that replaces the proceed button text color.
Default value: #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
textFieldColor Optional color that replaces the default color of the text in the textField components.
Default: defaultTextColor
checkIconColor Optional color that replaces the color that will be used for checkboxes.
Default: primaryBrandColor.
Recommendation: it should be a color that does not collide with light color.
primaryAlertActionColor Optional color, that replaces the color on the left action of alert controller.
Default: #8D96A6 #8D96A6
secondaryAlertActionColor Optional color, that replaces the color on the right action of alert controller
Default: dark mode #FFFFFF #FFFFFF
light mode #000000 #000000
Deprecated parameters (not used in VideoIdent+)
Property name Description
failureColor Optional color, that replaces the text color in the result screen, when an identification failed.
Default: A red color
successColor Optional color, that replaces the text color in the result screen, when an identification was successful.
Default: A green color
headlineColor Optional color, that replaces the color that will be used for headlines.
Default: primaryBrandColor.
Recommendation: Should be a color that does not collide with white color.
linkColor Optional color, that replaces the color that will be used for links.
Default: primaryBrandColor.
Recommendation: Should be a color that does not collide with white color.
cqcOuterRingColor Optional color that replaces default dark gray for the outer ring indicator on the quality check screen. Default: dark gray
cqcDefaultInnerRingColor Optional color that replaces default light gray for the inner ring indicator on the quality check screen. Default: light gray
cqcPoorQualityInnerColor Optional color that replaces default bright red for the inner ring indicator in case bad network quality on the quality check screen. Default: bright red
cqcModerateQualityInnerColor Optional color that replaces default bright orange for the inner ring indicator in case moderate network quality on the quality check screen. Default: bright orange
cqcExcellentQualityInnerColor Optional color that replaces default strong yellow for the inner ring indicator in case excellent network quality on the quality check screen. Default: strong yellow (almost green).
enableStatusBarStyleLightContent Optional: Forces the light status bar style to match dark navigation bars. If you tint your navigation bar with a dark color by adjusting navigation bar appearance (e.g. a blue color) you can set this value to true. The statusbar style will then be adjusted to light in screens where the navigation bar is visible.


Using custom fonts can be observed on the appearance illustrations fo the branding section.


An optional font name that can be used to replace the regular font used by the SDK. Default: San Francisco Regular


An optional font name that can be used to replace the medium font used by the SDK. Default: San Francisco Medium


An optional font name that can be used to replace the light font used by the SDK. Default: San Francisco Light



Default: false - Underline all button titles. Set this to true in order to underline button title text


Default: true - Make button titles bold. Set this to false in order to use normal font weight in button titles


In order to use push notifications via the IDnow SDK it is neccessary that your own AppDelegate inherits from the provided IDnowAppDelegate. This is necessary because the callbacks from Apple regarding the registration and reception of push notifications are solely handled through the AppDelegate, which is not part of our SDK. If your own IDnowAppDelegate subclass overrides some methods, please make sure to call the superclass's implementation within your overrides.

Additionally we will need the production certifcate/key pair to send notifications via push to your app via our backend.

// header
@interface YourAppDelegate : IDnowAppDelegate


// implementation
@implementation YourAppDelegate

- (void)application:(UIApplication*)application didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:(NSError*)error
    [super application:application didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError:error];

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didRegisterUserNotificationSettings:(UIUserNotificationSettings *)notificationSettings
    [super application:application didRegisterUserNotificationSettings:notificationSettings];

- (void)application:(UIApplication*)application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(nonnull NSData*)deviceToken
    [super application:application didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:deviceToken];

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(nullable NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    [super application:application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:launchOptions];

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
    [super application:application didReceiveRemoteNotification:userInfo];

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application didReceiveRemoteNotification:(NSDictionary *)userInfo
                                                       fetchCompletionHandler:(void (^)(UIBackgroundFetchResult result))completionHandler
    [super application:application didReceiveRemoteNotification:userInfo


Error codes

In case the identification process ends with an error a resulting callback will be passed an instance of an NSError with a corresponding error code. The full localized description of the error can be found in the userInfo of the error object.

Below is the list of possible errors.

Error Code Description
IDnowErrorMissingTransactionToken Can occur during initialization (e.g. triggered by[IDnowController initialize]). Occurs when the IDnowSettings instance does not contain a transactionToken.
IDnowErrorMissingCompanyID Can occur during initialization (e.g. triggered by[IDnowController initialize]). Occurs when the IDnowSettings instance does not contain a companyID.
IDnowErrorOfficeClosed Can occur during initialization (e.g. triggered by[IDnowController initialize]). Occurs when an identification cannot be initialized because the time is outside business hours.
IDnowErrorMissingCamera Can occur during initialization (e.g. triggered by[IDnowController initialize]). Occurs when the device does either have no front camera or no back camera.
IDnowErrorCameraAccessNotGranted Can occur during initialization (e.g. triggered by[IDnowController initialize]). Occurs when a video ident was requested, but the camera access was not granted by the user.
IDnowErrorMicrophoneAccessNotGranted Can occur during initialization (e.g. triggered by[IDnowController initialize]). Occurs when a video ident was requested, but the microphone access was not granted by the user.
IDnowErrorMissingMicrophone Can occur during initialization (e.g. triggered by[IDnowController initialize]). Occurs when a video ident was requested, but the device does not provide a microphone.
IDnowErrorNoInternetConnection Can occur during initialization (e.g. triggered by[IDnowController initialize]). Occurs when a video ident was requested, but no internet connection is present.
IDnowErrorServer Can occur during initialization (e.g. triggered by[IDnowController initialize]) and identification process (e.g. triggered by [IDnowController startIdentificationFromViewController:]). The error object will also contain the status code returned by the server.
IDnowErrorWebRTC Can occur during an identification process (e.g. WebRTC service could not establish a video connection).
IDnowErrorIdentificationFailed Can occur during an identification process (e.g. triggered by[IDnowController startIdentificationFromViewController:]). Describes that an identification failed.
IDnowErrorJailbreakPhoneNotSupported Unable to perform an identification on a jailbroken device.
IDnowErrorInvalidWebRTCToken Using LiveSwitch with an invalid key.
IDnowErrorHighCallVolumeTryLater User agreeed to try the identification later due to the high call volume.
IDnowErrorEnrolledInWaitingList User enrolled in the Waiting List so current identification session aborted.
IDnowErrorDeviceNotMeetPVIDRequirements The PVID requirements only allow users with devices that support the required resolution criteria (minimum 720p: 1280 × 720 at 25 frames per second) for the VideoIdent process.
IDnowErrorUnifiedIdentAnotherMethod Error for a Unified Ident which states the user decided to switch to another type of identification.
IDnowErrorTokenNotSupported_eIDStandalone eID standalone tokens are not supported.
IDnowErrorInvalidServerCertificate Server trust certificate is not valid.
IDnowErrorUnsupportedProduct Unsupported products.
IDnowErrorUnsupportedBluetoothHeadset Bluetooth headset not supported.
IDnowInstantSignDocumentExpired INSTANT_SIGN rejected, the trusted document is expired. This document is not valid.


In case you would like to change the localization used by the IDnow SDK at runtime you can do it by supplying the language code to the IDnowSettings instance:

Supported values are: en (English), de (German), fr (French), es (Spanish), it (Italian), pt (Portugese), et (Estonian), hr (Croatian), hu (Hungarian), ka (Georgian), ko(Korean), lt(Lithuanian), lv (Latvian), nl (Dutch), pl (Polish), ua (Ukrainian), zh (Chinese), ru (Russian).

settings.userInterfaceLanguage = @"de"; // this field accepts the following languages (de, en, it, es, pt, fr, et, hr, hu, uk, ka, ko, lt, lv, nl, pl, ru, zh).

Other Supported Platforms


Our Cordova plugin offers the possibility of integrating our native Android and iOS SDK into the Cordova-based applications. The plugin offers the possibility to customize and setup of the SDK. At the end of the identification process, the SDK communicates with the plug-in via a callback, allowing the Cordova application to update the flow. Please refer to this link for implementation details. Note: Only VideoIdent and eSign are supported so far. eID is not supported.

React native

Our React Native plug-in offers the possibility of integrating our native Android and iOS SDK into the React Native-based applications. It offers the possibility to customize and setup the SDK, and uses the latest expo native modules to create the bridging mechanism. Please refer to this link for implementation details. Note: Only VideoIdent and eSign are supported so far. eID is not supported

eID Framework

IDnow eID is an automated and fully AML-compliant identification product. All it requires is an NFC-enabled (Near Field Communication) smartphone and a German ID document (ID card or Residence permit) with an activated eID function or the eID card for EU citizens.

For configuration details, please refer to the IDnow eID SDK Documentation