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Tinyii v1.0 - TinyMCE File Manager Plugin for YII 1.xx By IDOWSTECH



Tinyii file manager is a TINYMCE plugin that is used to manage assets and files for your editors using Yii 1.x framework. You can use tinyYii Filemanager as a plugin for TinyMCE Editor or use it as a standalone filemanager without TinyMCE Editor.




  • php >5.0
  • php Extensions
    • php_bz2.dll
    • php_fileinfo.dll
    • php_intl.dll

External Libraries used in this project

Tested With

  • TinyMCE all versions up to latest 4.x.
  • Yii 1.x versions
  • Jquery 2.x.x
  • Browsers
    • Microsoft Edge 40.15063.674.0
    • Microsoft EdgeHTML 15.15063
    • Mozilla FF 56.0.1 (64-bit)
    • Chrome Version 62.0.3202.62 (Official Build) (64-bit)


  • TinyMCE Editors 3.x, 4.x
  • Standalone filemanager without TinyMCE Yii 1.x


  • Click here to see the Demo


  • Uplaod Files

    • Supported File Types jpg, gif, png, bmp, zip, gif, jpeg, tiff, mp4, flv, doc, docx, pdf, ppt, xls, xlsx, pptx, txt, zip, gzip, rar.

    Note: you might need to update the upload_max_filesize in your php.ini if it is below 2MB as the allowed upload filesize is 2MB in the protected/models/TinyiiAssetUploadForm.php.

  • Delete File(s) / Folder(s)

    • You can Delete Multiple files at a time by selecting them and using settings menu from the top toolbar that appears after selecing any file, or a single file by right-clicking on it and using the context menu.

    Delete Multiple Files


    Delete Single File


    Note:Multiple folder deletion is not supported yet.

  • Copy File(s) / Folder(s)

    • You can Copy Multiple files at a time by selecting them and using settings menu from the top toolbar that appears after selection, or a single file by right-clicking on it and using the context menu.
    • For folders you can copy one folder at a time multiple folder copy pasting is not supported, you can copy & paste a folder to another by using right-click context menu.

    See below for screen grabs

    COPY Multiple Files


    Copy Single File


  • Cut / Drag- Drop File(s) / Folder(s)

    • You can "Cut" Multiple files at a time by selecting them and using settings menu from the top toolbar that appears after selection, or a single file by right-clicking on it and using the context menu.
    • You can also drag drop files on to folders to move them inside the folder one by one at a time. Selecting multiple files and dragging them on to the folder is not supported.
    • For folders multiple selection is not supported you can cut & paste a folder by using right-click context menu or you can drag & drop a folder on to another folder to move it.

    Note: You can move a file or folder 1 level up to previous directory by dragging & dropping it over the previous directory link when you are inside a subdirectory.

    See below for screenshots.

    Cut Multiple Files


    Cut Single File


    Drag Drop Files


  • Pasting

    Once you Copy or Cut a file by selecting the context menu, you can paste files by right-clicking on any blank area inside the file manager. See below.


  • Rename File(s) / Folder(s)

    You can Rename files by right-clicking on it and using the context menu.


  • Add Folder

    You can Create a folder Using create Folder button from top toolbar.


  • List View

    You can view the files in list view mode using Listview icon in toolbar.


  • Thumbnail View

    You can view the files in Thumbnail mode using thumbnails icon in toolbar.


  • Sort Files

    You can Sort files in the current directory by using sort drop-down on top right of the filemanager toolbar and choosing sort option.


  • Filter Files

    You can Filter files in the current directory by Typing in the filter box on top right of the filemanager ttoolbar.


  • Download Files

    You can download single file or multiple files by selecting them. The selected files are compressed into a single zip file and then provided for download.

  • Preview Files

    You can preview all file types listed above in the supported file types for File Uploads section.

    You can click the file to preview it if you are in Listview Mode, and right-click on file to open the context menu and select preview to preview the file if you are in Thumbview Mode.


    Preview Categories

    The file preview is categorized in the following sections.

    • Images (jpg, gif, png, bmp, zip, gif, jpeg, tiff,)

      • Uses fancyBox preview window to show the supported image file types.
    • Documents (doc, docx, pdf, ppt, xls, xlsx, pptx, txt)

      • Uses google docs viewer inside fancybox window to preview the supported document file types.
    • Media (mp4, flv)

      • So far the media types supported are video only and the plugin uses video js to preview the video file types inside the fancybox window.
    • Compressed Files (zip, gzip, rar)

      • You can preview the contents of a compressed file inside a fancybox window.

    See below for screeshots.

    Image Preview


    Compressed Files Preview


    Video Preview


  • Insert Files To TinyMCE Editor

    You can insert the files inside the editor by double clicking them. The file insertion tag for the tinyMCE editor vary on their types.

    • Media Tags

      Media files are inserted as a video tag inside the editor you can preview the media file with the editor preview function.

    • Anchor Tags

      Documents and Compressed files are inserted as a download link inside the editor.

    • Image Tags

      All images are added as an image tag inside the editor.

How do I get set up?

Filemanager can be configured to be used in 2 different ways.

  • Editor Plugin
  • Standalone (For Admin Only)

As a plugin with TinyMCE

Clone or download the source files from any of the following links and unzip files anywhere on your drive.

Copy the following to the relevant directories as described below.

  • protected/config/params.php -> protected/config (if you have an existing params.php file add the contents from this file to your params.php file)
  • protected/controllers/FilemanagerController -> protected/controllers/
  • protected/views/filemanager -> protected/views
  • protected/models/*.* -> protected/models/*.*
  • protected/components/Helper.php -> protected/components (if you have an existing Helper.php class file add all the static methods from this file to your Helper.php class file)
  • plugin/idowsfilemanager -> copy to the plugins directory inside the tinymce plugin source my path is my_app_webroot/js/tinymce/plugins/idowsfilemanager
  • protected/components/WebUser.php -> protected/components/ make sure you have a user model associated with you db table user.

Open protected/config/main.php and add the following to the components section.

   'class' => 'WebUser',

Open protected/config/params.php file and update the PLUGIN_DIR and UPLOAD_DIR contants relevant to your project root.

'UPLOAD_DIR' => path/to/your/uploads/directory ,
'PLUGIN_DIR' => path/to/tinymce/idowsplugin

You should assign valid paths for these directories and make sure they exist.

Note: If you are logged in as a guest or a normal user you can access the plugin via tinyMCE editor button only. If you are logged in as an admin you will be provided access to both the interfaces standalone and tinyMCE.

Configuring Editor To use The Plugin

After you have copied all the sources from the extracted zip file you need to configure the editor to use the plugin.

Copy the following to the head of the document where you want to integrate the editor. Place the very first line

$baseUrl = Yii::app ()->getBaseUrl ( true );

to the top of your view file, and then paste the


section to the head or you can use Yii::app()->clientScript() to load the script on Document ready i.e CClientScript::POS_READY.

 $baseUrl = Yii::app ()->getBaseUrl ( true );
 Yii::app ()->getClientScript ()->registerScript ( 'init_tinymce' , ' // Tiny MCE
                document_base_url: "'.$baseUrl.'/js/tinymce/plugins/idowsfilemanager/",
                selector: "textarea",
                plugins: [
                    "advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview hr anchor pagebreak",
                    "searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen",
                    "insertdatetime media nonbreaking save table contextmenu directionality",
                    "emoticons template paste textcolor idowsfilemanager",
                    "colorpicker textpattern imagetools"
                toolbar1: "insertfile undo redo | fontsizeselect fontselect  | styleselect | bold italic underline | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link ",
                toolbar2: "print preview media | forecolor backcolor emoticons | idowsfilemanager",
                 fontsize_formats: "8pt 10pt 12pt 14pt 18pt 24pt 36pt",
                image_advtab: true,
                templates: [
                    {title: \'Test template 1\', content: \'Test 1\'},
                    {title: \'Test template 2\', content: \'Test 2\'}
            ' , CClientScript::POS_READY );

You can either copy paste the whole code block or if you already have setup editor with your custom configurations and set of plugins you can copy only these 2 options.

document_base_url: "'.Yii::app ()->getBaseUrl ( true ).'/js/tinymce/plugins/idowsfilemanager/" ,

Then include idowsfilemanager to your plugins and toolbar options.

Note: After configuring editor you should go to your protected/config/main.php and turn on prettyl urls by adding the urlManager inside the components section like below as the calls inside the script use pretty urls.


if all above is done correctly then browse the page where you have configured the TinyMce Editor, once the editor loads you can see the IDOWS Tinyii Filemanager button in the toolbar and you are all done.


For Standalone Usage

All the steps you followed above are to be followed for the Standalone usage, the only extra thing that you need to copy is the YiiBooster Extension. You can either download it from the url or you can copy the added sources to your applications extensions directory.

  • protected/extensions/booster -> protected/extensions/

After copying the files open protected/config/main.php and add booster to your preload array


and add the following to the components array and you are all done.

'booster' => array(
    'class' => 'application.extensions.booster.components.Booster',

After adding to the components array you can go to your application and access the following url while logged in with the admin user.


Who do I talk to?


File Manager Plugin for TinyMCE to be intergrated within Yii 1.x frameworks







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  • JavaScript 72.0%
  • PHP 22.2%
  • CSS 5.8%