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[ new ] Perfect binary trees #1063

merged 15 commits into from
Feb 22, 2021
91 changes: 85 additions & 6 deletions libs/base/Data/Nat.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -80,6 +80,28 @@ public export
LT : Nat -> Nat -> Type
LT left right = LTE (S left) right

namespace LT

||| LT is defined in terms of LTE which makes it annoying to use.
||| This convenient view of allows us to avoid having to constantly
||| perform nested matches to obtain another LT subproof instead of
||| an LTE one.
public export
data View : LT m n -> Type where
LTZero : View (LTESucc LTEZero)
LTSucc : (lt : m `LT` n) -> View (LTESucc lt)

||| Deconstruct an LT proof into either a base case or a further *LT*
view : (lt : LT m n) -> View lt
view (LTESucc LTEZero) = LTZero
view (LTESucc lt@(LTESucc _)) = LTSucc lt

||| A convenient alias for trivial LT proofs
ltZero : Z `LT` S m
ltZero = LTESucc LTEZero

public export
GT : Nat -> Nat -> Type
GT left right = LT right left
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -367,6 +389,14 @@ plusLteMonotoneLeft p q r p_lt_q
rewrite plusCommutative p r in
plusLteMonotoneRight p q r p_lt_q

plusLteMonotone : {m, n, p, q : Nat} -> m `LTE` n -> p `LTE` q ->
(m + p) `LTE` (n + q)
plusLteMonotone left right
= lteTransitive
(plusLteMonotoneLeft m p q right)
(plusLteMonotoneRight q m n left)

zeroPlusLeftZero : (a,b : Nat) -> (0 = a + b) -> a = 0
zeroPlusLeftZero 0 0 Refl = Refl
zeroPlusLeftZero (S k) b _ impossible
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -482,6 +512,31 @@ minusPlusZero : (n, m : Nat) -> minus n (n + m) = Z
minusPlusZero Z _ = Refl
minusPlusZero (S n) m = minusPlusZero n m

minusPos : m `LT` n -> Z `LT` minus n m
minusPos lt = case view lt of
LTZero => ltZero
LTSucc lt => minusPos lt

minusLteMonotone : {p : Nat} -> m `LTE` n -> minus m p `LTE` minus n p
minusLteMonotone LTEZero = LTEZero
minusLteMonotone {p = Z} prf@(LTESucc _) = prf
minusLteMonotone {p = S p} (LTESucc lte) = minusLteMonotone lte

minusLtMonotone : m `LT` n -> p `LT` n -> minus m p `LT` minus n p
minusLtMonotone mltn pltn = case view pltn of
LTZero => rewrite minusZeroRight m in mltn
LTSucc pltn => case view mltn of
LTZero => minusPos pltn
LTSucc mltn => minusLtMonotone mltn pltn

public export
minusPlus : (m : Nat) -> minus (plus m n) m === n
minusPlus Z = irrelevantEq (minusZeroRight n)
minusPlus (S m) = minusPlus m

plusMinusLte : (n, m : Nat) -> LTE n m -> (minus m n) + n = m
plusMinusLte Z m _ = rewrite minusZeroRight m in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -642,10 +697,34 @@ sucMinR (S l) = cong S $ sucMinR l

-- Algebra -----------------------------

public export
Semigroup Nat where
(<+>) = plus
namespace Semigroup

public export
Monoid Nat where
neutral = Z
public export
[Additive] Semigroup Nat where
(<+>) = (+)

public export
[Multiplicative] Semigroup Nat where
(<+>) = (*)

public export
[Maximum] Semigroup Nat where
(<+>) = max

public export
[Minimum] Semigroup Nat where
(<+>) = min

namespace Monoid

public export
[Additive] Monoid Nat using Semigroup.Additive where
neutral = 0

public export
[Multiplicative] Monoid Nat using Semigroup.Multiplicative where
neutral = 1

public export
[Maximum] Monoid Nat using Semigroup.Maximum where
neutral = 0
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions libs/contrib/Data/Monoid/Exponentiation.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
module Data.Monoid.Exponentiation

import Control.Algebra
import Data.Nat.Views
import Data.Num.Implementations
import Syntax.PreorderReasoning

%default total

-- Implementations

public export
linear : Monoid a => a -> Nat -> a
linear v Z = neutral
linear v (S k) = v <+> linear v k

public export
modularRec : Monoid a => a -> HalfRec n -> a
modularRec v HalfRecZ = neutral
modularRec v (HalfRecEven _ acc) = let e = modularRec v acc in e <+> e
modularRec v (HalfRecOdd _ acc) = let e = modularRec v acc in v <+> e <+> e

public export
modular : Monoid a => a -> Nat -> a
modular v n = modularRec v (halfRec n)

infixl 10 ^
gallais marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
public export
(^) : Num a => a -> Nat -> a
(^) = modular @{Multiplicative}

-- Properties

-- Not using `MonoidV` because it's cursed
linearPlusHomo : (mon : Monoid a) =>
-- good monoid
(opAssoc : {0 x, y, z : a} -> ((x <+> y) <+> z) === (x <+> (y <+> z))) ->
(neutralL : {0 x : a} -> (neutral @{mon} <+> x) === x) ->
-- result
(v : a) -> {m, n : Nat} ->
(linear v m <+> linear v n) === linear v (m + n)
linearPlusHomo opAssoc neutralL v = go m where

go : (m : Nat) -> (linear v m <+> linear v n) === linear v (m + n)
go Z = neutralL
go (S m) = Calc $
|~ (v <+> linear v m) <+> linear v n
~~ v <+> (linear v m <+> linear v n) ...( opAssoc )
~~ v <+> (linear v (m + n)) ...( cong (v <+>) (go m) )

modularRecCorrect : (mon : Monoid a) =>
-- good monoid
(opAssoc : {0 x, y, z : a} -> ((x <+> y) <+> z) === (x <+> (y <+> z))) ->
(neutralL : {0 x : a} -> (neutral @{mon} <+> x) === x) ->
-- result
(v : a) -> {n : Nat} -> (p : HalfRec n) ->
modularRec v p === linear v n
modularRecCorrect opAssoc neutralL v acc = go acc where

aux : {m, n : Nat} -> (linear v m <+> linear v n) === linear v (m + n)
aux = linearPlusHomo opAssoc neutralL v

go : {n : Nat} -> (p : HalfRec n) -> modularRec v p === linear v n
go HalfRecZ = Refl
go (HalfRecEven k acc) = rewrite go acc in aux
go (HalfRecOdd k acc) = rewrite go acc in Calc $
|~ (v <+> linear v k) <+> linear v k
~~ v <+> (linear v k <+> linear v k) ...( opAssoc )
~~ v <+> (linear v (k + k)) ...( cong (v <+>) aux )

modularCorrect : (mon : Monoid a) =>
-- good monoid
(opAssoc : {0 x, y, z : a} -> ((x <+> y) <+> z) === (x <+> (y <+> z))) ->
(neutralL : {0 x : a} -> (neutral @{mon} <+> x) === x) ->
-- result
(v : a) -> {n : Nat} -> modular v n === linear v n
modularCorrect opAssoc neutralL v
= modularRecCorrect opAssoc neutralL v (halfRec n)
20 changes: 12 additions & 8 deletions libs/contrib/Data/Nat/Algebra.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,11 +5,15 @@ import Data.Nat

%default total

public export
SemigroupV Nat where
semigroupOpIsAssociative = plusAssociative

public export
MonoidV Nat where
monoidNeutralIsNeutralL = plusZeroRightNeutral
monoidNeutralIsNeutralR = plusZeroLeftNeutral
namespace SemigroupV

public export
[Additive] SemigroupV Nat using Semigroup.Additive where
semigroupOpIsAssociative = plusAssociative

namespace MonoidV

public export
[Additive] MonoidV Nat using Monoid.Additive SemigroupV.Additive where
monoidNeutralIsNeutralL = plusZeroRightNeutral
monoidNeutralIsNeutralR = plusZeroLeftNeutral
83 changes: 83 additions & 0 deletions libs/contrib/Data/Nat/Exponentiation.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
module Data.Nat.Exponentiation

import Data.Nat as Nat
import Data.Monoid.Exponentiation as Mon
import Data.Num.Implementations as Num
import Data.Nat.Views
import Data.Nat.Order
import Decidable.Order
import Syntax.PreorderReasoning
import Syntax.PreorderReasoning.Generic

%default total

public export
pow : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
pow = Mon.(^)
gallais marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved

public export
lpow : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
lpow = linear @{Nat.Monoid.Multiplicative}

public export
pow2 : Nat -> Nat
pow2 = (2 ^)

public export
lpow2 : Nat -> Nat
lpow2 = lpow 2

modularCorrect : (v : Nat) -> {n : Nat} ->
pow v n === lpow v n
= Mon.modularCorrect
(sym (multAssociative _ _ _))
(irrelevantEq $ multOneLeftNeutral _)

pow2Correct : {n : Nat} -> pow2 n === lpow2 n
pow2Correct = modularCorrect 2

unfoldDouble : {0 n : Nat} -> (2 * n) === (n + n)
unfoldDouble = irrelevantEq $ cong (n +) (plusZeroRightNeutral _)

unfoldLpow2 : lpow2 (S n) === (lpow2 n + lpow2 n)
unfoldLpow2 = unfoldDouble

unfoldPow2 : pow2 (S n) === (pow2 n + pow2 n)
unfoldPow2 = irrelevantEq $ Calc $
let mon : Monoid Nat; mon = Nat.Monoid.Multiplicative
lpow2 : Nat -> Nat; lpow2 = linear @{mon} 2 in
|~ pow2 (S n)
~~ lpow2 (S n) ...( pow2Correct )
~~ lpow2 n + lpow2 n ...( unfoldLpow2 )
~~ (pow2 n + pow2 n) ...( cong2 (+) (sym pow2Correct) (sym pow2Correct) )

lteLpow2 : {m : Nat} -> 1 `LTE` lpow2 m
lteLpow2 {m = Z} = lteRefl
lteLpow2 {m = S m} = CalcWith $
let ih = lteLpow2 {m} in
|~ 1
<~ 2 ...( ltZero )
<~ lpow2 m + lpow2 m ...( plusLteMonotone ih ih )
~~ lpow2 (S m) ...( sym (unfoldLpow2) )

ltePow2 : {m : Nat} -> 1 `LTE` pow2 m
ltePow2 = CalcWith $
|~ 1
<~ lpow2 m ...( lteLpow2 )
~~ pow2 m ...( sym pow2Correct )

pow2Increasing : {m : Nat} -> pow2 m `LT` pow2 (S m)
pow2Increasing = CalcWith $
|~ S (pow2 m)
<~ pow2 m + pow2 m ...( plusLteMonotoneRight (pow2 m) 1 (pow2 m) ltePow2 )
~~ pow2 (S m) ...( sym unfoldPow2 )
8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions libs/contrib/Data/Nat/Order/Properties.idr
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,10 +34,18 @@ export
lteIsLTE : (a, b : Nat) -> a `lte` b = True -> a `LTE` b
lteIsLTE a b prf = invert (replace {p = Reflects (a `LTE` b)} prf (lteReflection a b))

ltIsLT : (a, b : Nat) -> a `lt` b = True -> a `LT` b
ltIsLT a = lteIsLTE (S a)

notlteIsNotLTE : (a, b : Nat) -> a `lte` b = False -> Not (a `LTE` b)
notlteIsNotLTE a b prf = invert (replace {p = Reflects (a `LTE` b)} prf (lteReflection a b))

notltIsNotLT : (a, b : Nat) -> a `lt` b = False -> Not (a `LT` b)
notltIsNotLT a = notlteIsNotLTE (S a)

notlteIsLT : (a, b : Nat) -> a `lte` b = False -> b `LT` a
Expand Down
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions libs/contrib/Data/Num/Implementations.idr
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
module Data.Num.Implementations

%default total

namespace Semigroup

public export
[Additive] Num a => Semigroup a
where (<+>) = (+)
public export
[Multiplicative] Num a => Semigroup a
where (<+>) = (*)

namespace Monoid

public export
[Additive] Num a => Monoid a
using Semigroup.Additive
where neutral = 0
public export
[Multiplicative] Num a => Monoid a
using Semigroup.Multiplicative
where neutral = 1