Currently the IDX Broker dynamic wrapper system has several limitations. This is a wrapper system using amazon web services to overcome some of these challenges. This cloud based wrapper system attempts to solve this issue.
This will not work 100% universally.
The system uses API Gateway and Lambda functions to retrieve the source html for a page. It will then transform the source code and return this new html source to be stored in the IDX Broker wrapper system.
Page html is never stored in AWS instead each retrieval and transofrmation occurs upon request.
Process and transformations in Lambda:
- Fetch page html
- Make relative path links to absolute path links.
- Remove H1 tag
- Remove tag from the head section
- Add IDX div start and stop tags in id or class passed in params
- Change title tag if passed as a param
- Find '$' and replace with 'JQuery' inside script tags
- Return transformed html
- An enabled IDX Broker account.
- A publicly available web page with valid html structure. An opening and closing head and body tag nested in an opening and closing html tag
- A target element. Will accept tag name, id, or class (single classes only)
- A target element value
This system is available at the following endpoint:
Pass the required and option parameters using ? and & delineation.
Accepted parameters and descriptions
Parameters | Required | Values |
site | yes | the web page url to use for a dynamic wrapper |
target | yes | the type of target to use in adding IDX start and stop tags |
id | no | the id value targeted |
class | no | the class value targeted |
el | no | the element name value targeted |
title | no | The new value for the title meta tag |
This endpoint with the required and optional params is then added to the IDX Broker account at the global, category, or page level dynamic wrapper.
A postman collection is included in this repo to aid in discovery.
Known non compatibile sites include:
- Entirely JS based sites
- Sites that use url params to indicate the page to be loaded
- Sites using frame sets
- Sites with main content in a form tag
- Sites with relative urls in required external resources
- Sites with relative urls in the CSS
- Sites with a load time beyond 15 seconds