This app is intended to be the base for many different alternative currencies, social currencies and marketplace apps.
Step 1: git clone this repo:
Step 2: cd to the cloned repo:
Step 3: Change your App name. Replace FaircoinDiscovery
by your currency name. Find and replace with your favorite editor. Or with teh following commands:
$ find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/faircoindiscovery/bitcoinbazaar/g' {} \;
$ find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/FaircoinDiscovery/BitcoinBazaar/g' {} \;
$ find . -type f -exec sed -i 's/Faircoin Discovery/Bitcoin Bazaar/g' {} \;
Step 4: Install the Application with npm install
Step 5: Generate ios and android folders with react-native eject
Step 6: Link the libraries with react-native link
Step 7: Now you are able to run the app with react-native run-android
. For more info go to the next section: How to Run the App
Step 8: In order to make Location and Camera (among other services) to work you should replace the files inside ios and android folders by their copy in BuildFiles
. Check out the
in that folder.
- cd to the repo
- Run Build for either OS
- for iOS
- run
react-native run-ios
- run
- for Android
- Run Genymotion
- run
react-native run-android
Overwrite the files:
- You should have installed
- Check you have installed Imagemagick
- Place a copy of your logo in: MyCurrency/icon.png
- Run this command to create the app icons:
$ ./node_modules/.bin/react-native-icon
- Run the following commands to set up the logo inside the app:
$ convert icon.png -resize 320x320 App/Images/top_logo.png
$ convert icon.png -resize 640x640 App/Images/top_logo@2x.png
$ convert icon.png -resize 1280x1280 App/Images/top_logo@3x.png
This project adheres to Standard. Our CI enforces this, so we suggest you enable linting to keep your project compliant during development.
This project uses react-native-config to expose config variables to your javascript code in React Native. You can store API keys
and other sensitive information in a .env
and access them from React Native like so:
import Secrets from 'react-native-config'
Secrets.API_URL // ''
Secrets.GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY // 'abcdefgh'
The .env
file is ignored by git keeping those secrets out of your repo.
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