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Requirements Discussion

jsalowey edited this page May 13, 2024 · 3 revisions
  1. What is a workload Identity?
  • used primarily for authorization, maybe also for audit/accounting (not trying to solve complex audit problems)
  • Identity primarily identifies workload "type" within a domain/namespace
  • May also provide instance identifier, but this is not a primary focus
  • "string" with hierachy (at least including namespace) over "object" for now
  • URI over JSON
  • structure of namespace is out-of-scope (up to local deployment), may provide recommendations
  • focus on within trust domain, federation out-of-scope for now
  1. Binding of workload identity
  • Binding to a cryptographic key (not bearer tokens)
  • Binding to key over binding to identity bound to a key
  • Decision point: cnf claim in token carry key vs. claim that points to a key - start with key in token and add other later
  • Binding is not forgeable (cryptographically signed by authority) - probably public key based
  • Binding credential is issued by central authority, does not necessarily issue a key (we don't define all the details)
  • Key is at least scoped to workload identity (type), key may be more narrowly scoped (per instance) - deployment specific
  • Decision point: symmetric vs. asymmetric (choose one approach - asymmetric - to begin with, leave door open for symmetric in the future)
  1. Verification of workload identity
  • Accepting/verification credential require some proof of possession
  • Resilience to replay of verification(?) - replay of an observed exchange by an attacker to gain advantage
  • Resilience to loss of key
  • Decision Point - what is signed - HTTP Request/message signing vs. JWT/DPOPish - -- http message signing not widely implemented -- needs profiling
  • who needs to verify the pop - one downstream service? -
  • "message bus" mostly out of scope (message bus adapter will verify identity, how it propagates etc. is out of scope for now)
  1. Claims
  • Identity cliam - URI
  • Key claim - cnf
  • Expiry claims
  • claims to restrict the "applicability" of the token - less necessary with key binding - but may still be useful
  1. Chaining of workload identity
  1. Credential Bootstrapping
  • Protocol for getting binding credential is out of scope (this is handled by something like SPIFFE)
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